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The Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) is one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC).

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Jobs advertised by Joint Research Centre

Joint Research Centre

Post Doctoral Research - Spatial Data Infrastructure and Shared Environmental Information System in Lombardia

The Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit is responsible for the overalltechnical co-ordination of the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC. Thisinvolves the support to and coordination of the international teamsdrafting the INSPIRE Implementing Rules, to ensure ...
Italy (North) - Europe,
Joint Research Centre

Post Doctoral Research - Resilience, tipping points and thresholds in Ecosystems

The BIOMES action of the Rural Water andEcosystem Resources develops models to mapecosystem services supporting policy decisionsin biodiversity and related policy domains.Ecosystems in Europe face serious threats fromland use and climate change and ...
Italy (North) - Europe,
Joint Research Centre

Post Doctoral Research - Low-Carbon Farming Practices

The AGRI-ENV Action (Rural, Water andEcosystem Unit within the Institute forEnvironment and Sustainability) assesses howenvironmental concerns are integrated intoagricultural policy.In the context of the project (LC-FARM), theobjective is to develop ...
Italy (North) - Europe,
Joint Research Centre

Post-Doctoral Research - Mapping green infrastructure elements for Biodiversity Assessment

The Rural, Water and Ecosystem Resources Unitis providing scientific support to the integrationof biodiversity conservation into sectoralpolicies. Research includes a focusing on driversof biodiversity loss, the adaptation ofecosystems and ...
Italy (North) - Europe,
Joint Research Centre

Post - Doctoral Research - Assessment of threats and vulnerability of protected areas in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries

The IES Action ‘MONDE’ is looking for a postdocscientist who will work on the threats andvulnerability of Protected Areas in Africa,Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP). Thisincludes:• Assessment of anthropogenic and naturalthreats ...
Italy (North) - Europe,
Joint Research Centre

Post-Doctoral Research Project - Development of Indicators from Global Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

The Global Environment Monitoring Unit islooking for a scientific/technical officer toprovide scientific and technical support to furtherresearch and development in the SystematicObservations of Land and Ocean (SOLO) action.In this action, R&D ...
Italy (North) - Europe,
Joint Research Centre

Grantholders Post Doctoral Research Project - Improving Knowledge on Water Ecosystem Services in Developing Countries

The MONDE (MOnitoring Natural resources forDEvelopment Co-operation) action is a part ofthe Global Environment Monitoring Unit, anddeals with the implementation of WaterResources Management in Africa and LatinAmerica.This research project has been ...
Italy (North) - Europe,
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