Career at Temple

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Demonstrate practical measures to estimate the carbon emissions/removals in the forestry areas of Jordan

Competencies Excellent technical and analytical writing skills. Strong facilitation and moderation, communication and inter-personal skills Excellent networking and partnering competencies and negotiating skills. Ability to use ...
Jordan - Asia & M East,

National Consultant (GIS Technician/Analyst) UNDP Climate Change and Sustainable Ecosystem Unit

Timor-Leste is highly vulnerable to climate changes, particularly increasing variability of rainfall and extreme weather events. Lives and livelihoods in the remote interior of the country and coastal regions are both highly exposed. Impacts ...
Timor (East) - Asia & M East,

Intern: Climate change policy and air quality management

UNDP is the United Nation’s global development network advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience, and resources to assist people to build a better life. UNDP’s vision is to assist countries in ...
Krygyzstan - Asia & M East,

Junior Professional Officer - Climate and Security Risk Policy Analyst

  The UNDP Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme: The UNDP JPO Programme equips outstanding young leaders with the skills and experience required to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and make a positive ...
New York - America North,

Green Energy Analyst

The Green Energy Analyst is required to play a significant role as guided by the Global ICT Analyst and Team lead in achieving the following tasks: Energy Assessment & Training: the Green Energy Analyst will play a central role in energy ...
Denmark - Europe,

Green Energy Specialist

The Green Energy Specialist is required to play a significant role as guided by the Global ICT Specialist and Team lead in achieving the following tasks: Energy Assessment & Training: the Green Energy Specialist will lead energy assessment in ...
Denmark - Europe,

National Consultancy for Provincial Climate Change Coordinator in Enga province of Papua New Guinea

Integrated sustainable land use and development planning within provincial and district development planning will provide a framework and supporting environment for effective climate compatible development including both mitigation and ...
Papua New Guinea - Australasia,

National Consultant - To Support Implementation of Climate Promise

The Department of Environment on behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through its UNDP Climate Promise is looking for an individual or firm to revise and update ...
Pacific Islands (Other) - Australasia,

Ozone Expert

The objective of the consultancy is to assist the National Ozone Unit of the National Center for Environmental Compliance (NCEC), the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with capacity building and training ...
Saudi Arabia - Asia & M East,

Climate Investment De-Risking Expert

Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries unanimously agreed to work toward global goals that would limit global average temperature rise. Specifically, the Agreement seeks to limit the rise in the world’s average surface temperatures ...
Barbados - America South,

Climate Finance Consultant

Required Skills and Experience   Education Advanced University degree in the fields climate change, development economics or sustainable development financing. Experience Minimum of 10 years of experience related to climate financing ...
Jordan - Asia & M East,

Green Energy Support Internship with the United Nations Development Programme

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Unit of Information Technology and Management (ITM) in Copenhagen is responsible for supporting UNDP Country Offices around the world with ICT and Green Energy solutions. Our Unit offers a ...
Denmark - Europe,

International Specialists on Climate Change Adaptation

UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.  UNDP Cambodia Country Office works in partnership ...
Cambodia - Asia & M East,

National Consultant - Terminal Evaluation - Market Transformation and Removal of Barriers for Effective Implementation of the State-Level Climate Change Action Plans

The goal of India SAPCC project is the reduction of GHG emissions achieved through implementation of RE and EE solutions at state level as identified in the State Action Plan on Climate Change of Jharkhand and Manipur states. This is to be achieved ...
India (Central) - Asia & M East,

Local Expert on Mainstreaming Climate Policy in Energy

EU4Climate Project (Project) helps governments in the six EU Eastern Partner countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine - to take action against climate change. It supports countries in ...
Armenia - Europe,
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