The Department of Environment on behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through its UNDP Climate Promise is looking for an individual or firm to revise and update their Nationally Determined Contributions submitted to the UNFCCC in 2015 under the Paris Agreement.
The UNDP Climate Promise aims to deliver on the promise of the Paris Agreement by supporting 100 countries to undertake an inclusive and transparent engagement process for enhancing their NDCs by 2020, with demonstrated increase in ambition. This assistance is especially critical to small island nations like Niue because it enables us to access the necessary financial and technical support to review, align and update existing targets, policies and measures as well as assessing costs and investment opportunities.
Climate change still remains one of the greatest threats to human existence and therefore seen as a grave concern to the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of all Niueans. Despite Niue’s insignificant contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, this small island developing state is committed to its aspiration of achieving a low carbon economy by strengthening adaptation and enforcing mitigation measures. One of the mammoth mitigation measures undertaken by Niue is the intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) commitment to “generate 80% electricity from renewable energy sources by 2025”. To monitor the NDC activities it is envisaged that NDC monitoring framework will be required to timely monitor the progress of NDC against the annual, mid-term and long-term targets.
The main objective of this assignment is to develop NDC monitoring framework including guidance on indicators to closely monitor the annual, mid-term and long-term achievement of the enhanced NDC implementation.
The NDCs Monitoring Framework shall be focused on the following main sectors.
• Water Resource management
• Food security
• Climate Change Adaptation & Health Plan developed in 2013 by the Niue Health Department with donor partners
• Tourism Sector
• Waste & sanitation management strategy for general, liquid and organic wastes; and
• Building Code update, including development of national standards
The main objective of this assignment is to develop NDC monitoring framework including guidance on indicators to closely monitor the annual, mid-term and long-term achievement of the enhanced NDC implementation.
The specific objectives of the assignments are:
1. Review the Enhance NDC annual, mid-term and long-term target and also review the National Monitoring framework
2. Develop the NDC monitoring framework including guidance on indicators
3. Conduct training on NDC Monitoring Framework