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National Consultant (GIS Technician/Analyst) UNDP Climate Change and Sustainable Ecosystem Unit

Sectors Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location Timor (East) - Asia & M East
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Senior Level
Deadline 21/07/2021
Company Name UNDP
Contact Name Human Resources
Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. For environmental jobs with UNDP visit their website. Or for more environmental jobs search environmentjobs.com
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Timor-Leste is highly vulnerable to climate changes, particularly increasing variability of rainfall and extreme weather events. Lives and livelihoods in the remote interior of the country and coastal regions are both highly exposed. Impacts of intensified extreme events include damage and degradation of decentralized small-scale critical infrastructure, particularly water supply and drainage structures, embankments, and feeder roads and bridges. Damages leave rural populations isolated, lacking basic services. In response to this challenge, in 2019, the government of Timor-Leste with the support of UNDP received funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to undertake the project. 


The objective of the project is to safeguard vulnerable communities and their physical assets from climate change-induced disasters. It aims to address existing institutional, financial and legislative barriers, increasing the climate resilience of vulnerable small-scale rural infrastructure. The project targets 175,840 direct beneficiaries, an estimated 15% of the total population. Benefits include increased climate resilience for small-scale infrastructure as well as 300 ha of reforested and rehabilitated land to buffer against climate-induced disasters.


This will be achieved by delivering the following results:

  1. Strengthening the capacity of mandated institutions to assess and manage climate risks in order to maintain local infrastructure services. GCF-funded activities will embed new skills, technologies, and innovative methods in climate risk identification and mitigation processes. Monitoring and recording of climate risk information will be enhanced, and these data will be integrated into policies, standards, guidelines, and long-term investment planning for small-scale rural infrastructure.
  2. Implementing climate resilient building measures to improve small-scale rural infrastructure in vulnerable areas. GCF funds will assist in the development and implementation of catchment management strategies, supporting long-term resilience and climate risk reduction via landscape restoration and enhanced land stability, particularly in vulnerable catchments where small-scale infrastructure is present. 


The project is supporting the ongoing decentralized investment frameworks which is administered through the Municipality Development Investment Program (PDIM) and National Suco Development Plan (PNDS) processes, by embedding the knowledge of climate risks and skills of climate proofing design, construction, operation and maintenance of rural infrastructure.   Through the project, local authorities’ capacity for climate-risk informed development of long-term investment plans will be enhanced, thereby strengthening de-centralized decision-making.


The project will support the development of the spatial data infrastructure (SDI)/ establishment of the GIS laboratory in collaboration with the Secretary of State for Civil Protection (SSCP).  The project will collaborate closely with the SSCP and relevant partners to provide the technical assistance and support related to the establishment of the SDI and its key components.  This will be complemented with the relevant training to selected participants at both the national and municipality levels that will be conducted on data management and analysis and data management standards and protocols will be introduced. Data sharing protocols are expected to be established among relevant Directorates and Ministries holding relevant data resources.


Duties and Responsibilities


The overall objective of the assignment is to strengthen the coordination lines between SSCP and the project and to support the preparation of various non-spatial and spatial data survey and data collection tools, capacity building and development of an interactive GIS web-portal as part of the SDI to be established within the Secretary of State for Civil Protection.


The GIS Technician/Analyst will act as the focal point and provide coordination support and reporting between SSCP and UNDP and the GCF PMU particularly on DRM related issues. The GIS Technician/Analyst will be under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and National Director for DRM of SSCP with overall supervision and guidance from the CTA of the GCF “Safeguarding rural communities and their physical assets from climate induced disasters in Timor-Leste” project:


Summary of key functions:

  • Involve in the design and development of the interactive GIS web-portal
  • Involve in the development of the mobile GIS-based asset condition inspection methods and tools and provide updates.
  • Produce Analytical GIS Products and Quarterly Reports
  • Perform other relevant duties as maybe assigned


a.Design and development of the interactive GIS web-portal

  • Involved in the design and development of the interactive GIS web-portal with functionality that allows the monitoring, recording, and accounting of climate-induced damages in real time  for a more effective and efficient climate risk reduction planning and budgeting.
    • Users of the portal should be able to use it for the production of various hazard and vulnerability high-resolution maps, estimates of damages, and loss of life, and other necessary analyzes.
    • The portal should have the functionality of receiving and storing data collected through mobile GIS-based configured/customized application on smartphones.
    • The portal should be able to integrate all available data of interest including the database with hydrometeorological data from national monitoring system and be able to regularly update the DesInventar database for the systematic recording of damage and loss.
    • The platform should be available in both English and Tetum language and should be easy to share with the other stakeholders
    • The portal should be developed using tools that are open-source taking into consideration all factors to ensure security of data and other information and anticipating future improvements and expansion.
  • Develop a user-friendly manual of operations and workflows/ protocols needed for the proper administration/maintenance of the interactive GIS web-portal.
  • Organize and help facilitate the technical trainings to designated project staff and technical staff from SSCP who will be specifically assigned for the proper administration/ maintenance of the interactive GIS web-portal.

b.Update/Develop, configure/customize the mobile GIS-based asset condition inspection methods and tools

  • Update, configure/customize the mobile GIS-based asset condition inspection methods and tools so that it will have needed the functionality to upload  data collected directly to the interactive GIS web-portal, in real time, for other purposes like post-editing.
    • The process of updating, configuration/customization work should be done in collaboration with the GIS specialist and in consultation with the persons directly involved in the supervision and data collection activities.
  • Develop a user-friendly manual of operations on using the updated mobile GIS-based configured/customized application on smartphones
  • Establish a workflow in analyzing and interpreting raw/field data to produce GIS projects and products based on the most appropriate methodology that can be shared easily and readily to relevant end-users.

c.Perform other relevant duties as maybe assigned

  • This includes performing duties relevant to the training and capacity development support to technical staff in the relevant line Ministries, Municipalities, and PMU/project team which include the preparation of training outlines, materials, development of training modules, and support functions for the trainings for technical staff at national and sub-national levels and project staff.



The GIS Technician/Analyst will be required to submit the following deliverables:

  • Inception report
  • Mobile GIS-based configured/customized application on smartphones for field data collection operationalized.
  • Manual of operations/Workflows/Protocols for the Mobile GIS-based configured/customized application on smartphones for field data collection developed
  • Training Design/Report on using the Mobile GIS-based application on smartphones for field data collection and Interactive GIS web-portal.
  • Mobile GIS-based configured/customized application on smartphones for field data collection tested/applied and updated based on feedback received.
  • Development of the Interactive GIS web-portal including Manual of operations/ Workflows/ Protocols.
  • Quarterly Analytical GIS products/reports derived from data collected/collated by the project staff and partners in (4th Quarter of 2021, and 1st and 2nd Quarters of 2022)
  • Assignment Completion Report (in English) summarizing the activities undertaken under the assignment relating to the development and implementation of the Mobile GIS-based configured/customized application on smartphones for field data collection and Interactive GIS web-portal including the resources used, findings, lessons learned as well as recommendations.

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