Career at Temple

We couldn’t find what you were looking for, but here are some previous jobs that matched your criteria


Environment Program Officer

The OEPPC is designated as the national implementing partner for the RMI R2R project entitled “Reimaanlok – Looking to the Future: Strengthening natural resource management in atoll communities in the Republic of Marshall Islands ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia,

Climate Change Specialist

In 2015 the world adopted the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), marking a historic shift in the global development agenda. A major focus moving forward will be the implementation agenda, ...
Kuwait - Asia & M East,

Climate Change Consultancy

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN’s Global Development Network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in ...
New York - America North,

BBRSO48188: Consultant to undertake Water Demand Study

To apply, interested persons should upload the combined* Technical Proposal/Methodology (if applicable), CV and Offeror’s Letter to “UNDP Jobs” by navigating to the link below and clicking “APPLY NOW”, no later ...
Barbados - America South,

Consultant to Support Capacity Building for Sustainable Tourism Development

The consultancy will be developed in the framework of the project “Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into the tourism sector in synergy with a further strengthened protected areas system in Cabo Verde”, executed by the ...
Cape Verde - Africa,

International Consultant to support development of 6th National Report of Turkmenistan to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Biodiversity is currently being lost at unprecedented rates due to human activities around the globe. To address this problem, the CBD COP adopted a Strategic Plan in 2002 (Decision VI/26). In its mission statement, CBD Parties committed ...
Turkmenistan - Asia & M East,

Consultant to Develop a Gap Analysis for the Marine Component of the National Protected Areas System in Cabo Verde

The consultancy will be developed in the framework of the project “Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into the tourism sector in synergy with a further strengthened protected areas system in Cabo Verde”, executed by the ...
Cape Verde - Africa,

ECPTA Stewardship Ecologist

The GEF-5 Project themed Improving Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area Network Project is supported by GEF through the UNDP and DEA. SANParks is the Implementer for the GEF-5 Project and is in partnership with five agencies, one of which ...
South Africa - Africa,

Consultant national sur le Changement Climatique - (Nationalité comorienne seulement)

Le projet « Renforcement des capacités de gestion multisectorielle, coordonnée et décentralisée de l’environnement pour atteindre les objectifs des conventions de Rio en Union des ...
Comoros - Africa,

Internship with the Biodiversity Finance Initiative - BIOFIN

There are currently 30 countries globally participating in BIOFIN. The project, which began in 2012 and continues through 2018, is coordinated by the UNDP through a global team supporting country implementation and the continuous improvement ...
Turkey - Europe,

Environment Program Officer

The OEPPC is designated as the national implementing partner for the RMI R2R project entitled “Reimaanlok – Looking to the Future: Strengthening natural resource management in atoll communities in the Republic of Marshall Islands ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia,

International Consultant - Ecosystems and Water Resources Management Specialist

Bangladesh is endowed with huge natural resources and high species diversity. People’s life, livelihoods and culture is very much influenced by this diversity in nature compared to elsewhere in the world. But unplanned infrastructure ...
Bangladesh - Asia & M East,

National Biodiversity Planning and Reporting Specialist (Myanmar National only)

UNDP Myanmar has been implementing Global Environmental Facility (GEF) funded projects that support efforts in conservation and the sustainable use, access and benefits-sharing of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems in Myanmar. ...
Burma (Myanmar) - Asia & M East,

Climate Change Adaptation Consultant

UNDP’s Bureau of Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) provides leadership and technical support to deliver on the UNDP’s Strategic Plan priorities on Sustainable Development Pathways and Resilience and Governance. UNDP-Global ...
Thailand - Asia & M East,

Intern - GEF

UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) provides leadership and technical support to deliver on the UNDP’s Strategic Plan priorities on Sustainable Development Pathways and Resilience and Governance. The UNDP-Global ...
Thailand - Asia & M East,
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