The OEPPC is designated as the national implementing partner for the RMI R2R project entitled “Reimaanlok – Looking to the Future: Strengthening natural resource management in atoll communities in the Republic of Marshall Islands employing integrated approaches”. This project is funded by the GEF and directly implemented by UNDP. Currently, OEPPC is understaffed and to address this short-term constraint, this position is being supported by the RMI R2R project. OEPPC is expected to address funding for this position in the long-term.
Further, OEPPC is mandated to act as the National Operational Focal Point to the multilateral environment agreements that the RMI government has ratified, particularly the Rio Conventions on climate change, land degradation and biodiversity. The OEPPC is also the National Operational Focal Point to the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Program (SPREP).
Under the direct supervision of the Director of OEPPC with administrative reporting to UNDP Pacific Office, the Environment Program Officer primary role is to provide administrative, policy advice and logistical support to the Director of OEPPC with the day-to-day operations of the office.....