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International Consultant - Ecosystems and Water Resources Management Specialist

Sectors Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Water Resources
Location Bangladesh - Asia & M East
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Senior Level
Deadline 26/05/2018
Company Name UNDP
Contact Name Human Resources
Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. For environmental jobs with UNDP visit their website. Or for more environmental jobs search environmentjobs.com
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Bangladesh is endowed with huge natural resources and high species diversity. People’s life, livelihoods and culture is very much influenced by this diversity in nature compared to elsewhere in the world. But unplanned infrastructure development, unsustainable harvesting of natural resources, unplanned urbanization and industrialization, greed of vested interested people has caused a serious degradation of these resources in recent years. Some initiatives have been taken to restore these resources which resulted in some success at local levels. On the other hand, evidences of adverse impact of climate change are becoming more and more prominent, coupled with the increasing population pressure has exacerbated the degradation even more. Gradually the need was felt to engage community and other stakeholders in the management of Ecologically Critical Area (ECA) which is now established through the ECA Rules that was formulated in 2016.

More impetus to conserve the natural environment, improve environmental standards and, control and mitigate environmental pollution was introduced with the enactment of the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act in 1995. Thereby, enabling the Department of Environment (DoE) to declare Ecologically Critical Areas (ECAs) where ecological sites are under significant threat of degradation from over-exploitation, pollution and other anthropogenic factors. Since the introduction of this Act and its subsequent amendment in 2010, 13 ECAs (totalling 379,022 ha [1]) have been gazetted [2]. All of these are wetlands, some with a coastal-marine component, which has doubled the protected areas system to 4.4% of the country’s total area. Tanguar Haor and Sundarbans are both Ramsar sites (Wetlands of International Importance) and the latter is also a World Heritage site of globally outstanding natural value. While the boundaries of the Tanguar ECA and Ramsar site are complementary, those of Sundarbans ECA form a 10 km wide peripheral zone (292,926 ha) designed to buffer the biodiversity and ecosystem values of the core World Heritage and Ramsar site. This network of ECAs is vital for the survival of flagship species, such as Irrawady and Gangetic dolphins, Bengal tiger, numerous migratory bird species and various fresh and brackish water fish species, as well as the local communities who are dependent on its ecosystem services.

After declaration of the ECAs, few projects were implemented to restore the ecosystems of some of the ECAs – these are: the Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management Project (2003-2011); Community Based Adaptation in the Ecologically Critical Areas through Biodiversity Conservation and Social Protection Project (CBA-ECA) (2010-2015); SEMP; Management of Aquatic Ecosystem through Community Husbandry (MACH); Nishorgo; integrated protected area co-management (IPAC); Climate resilient ecosystem & livelihood (CREL), etc. These projects tested several practices and approaches for natural resource management and community engagement; and developed various tools and mechanisms.

Building on the past initiatives, Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) and UNDP Bangladesh has developed a full-sized project (FSP) project concept for GEF funding i.e. Implementing ecosystem-based management in Ecologically Critically Areas in Bangladesh with the objective: To apply an ecosystem-based framework for managing Ecologically Critical Areas in Bangladesh to enhance the conservation of globally significant biodiversity and support local livelihoods. Thus, the project will mainstream an ecosystem-based approach to ECA management across government agencies and local communities, while also engaging the private sector in a pilot for the first time. The project components are:

  • Component 1: Designing a financially viable, ecosystem-based management framework for ECAs;
  • Component 2: Applying an ecosystem-based framework to effectively plan, manage, finance and monitor compliance in target ECAs; and
  • Component 3: Strengthening the institutional and technical capacity of DoE to put in place measures to address threats to ECAs and ensure that responsible parties restore and maintain the integrity of ECAs.

The project concept (Project Identification Form/PIF) for the FSP has been endorsed by the GEF Secretariat, and a Project Preparation Grant (PPG) approved. The PIF can be accessed via https://www.thegef.org/project/implementing-ecosystem-based-management-ecologically-critical-areas-bangladesh.

The main purpose of this assignment is to develop a comprehensive project proposal to introduce ecosystem based management (EbM) of ECA to ensure sustainable management of ECAs in the country. In this regard, UNDP is recruiting a Project Design and Biodiversity Conservation Specialist (GEF PPG Team Leader) to lead the full project document development process.

[1] The actual area, based on GIS analyses and including proposed expansions of some 2,000 ha to Sonadi Island and 125 ha to Marjat Baur, is 384,529 ha).

[2] Department of Environment, 2015. Community-based Ecosystem Conservation and Adaptation in Ecologically Critical Areas of Bangladesh: Responding to Nature and Climate Change. DoE, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Dhaka. 122 pp.


Duties and Responsibilities

The Ecosystems and Water Resources Management Specialist will outline an ecosystem-based framework for managing ECAs that will provide the basis for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the management prescriptions of respective ECAs, using a suite of indicators that denote progress towards achieving ‘favourable condition’.

S/he will consult closely with the Team Leader and Project Technical Coordinator, as well as with the Corporate Partnerships and Environmental Economist & Sustainable Financing specialists, furnishing them with relevant technical data and information regarding the ecological and hydrological status of the target ECAs. Likewise, s/he will work closely with the Community Development, Safeguards and Gender Specialist who will generate much of the socio-economic data and information for profiling the three project sites.

  • Contribute to the preparation of Natural Resource & Socio-Economic Profiles for each of the three project sites that supports their selection with documentation criteria and detailed baseline information, comprising;
    • The special features for which the target site was designated as an ECA (or proposed as an ECA, in the case of Halda River);
    • Their hydrology, fluvial geomorphology and ecology/biology (informed by water quality and pollution data);
    • The status and distribution of potential aquatic plant and animal indicator species, including their (likely) habitat preferences;
    • Analysis of stakeholder roles, influence, responsibilities, access to and use of water and other wetland resources;
    • Evaluation of economic and livelihood activities and their implications on environmental flows of water bodies (e.g. rivers).
  • Develop an ecosystem-based framework for monitoring compliance with restoring and maintaining wetlands in favourable ecological condition [1]. The framework should be generic but designed to be readily applicable to ECAs (wetlands), both existing and new sites, using quantifiable indicators for water quality and ecosystem health that are relatively straightforward and inexpensive to measure and understand. The features of the Framework should include:
    • Based on an ecosystems approach that conserves biodiversity, while providing services to local communities and rural populations within the catchment;
    • Provides the mechanism for defining ‘favourable condition’ status for every ECA and prescribes the management interventions necessary to achieve such status.
  • Prepare inputs and support the development of final PPG deliverables, as agreed with the PPG Task Team Leader.  Review the theory of change and results framework, SESP, Gender and Stakeholder Engagement Plan for further technical inputs.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables

The consultant will be paid on a lump sum basis under the following installments. The consultant will be responsible for the travel expense of two in-country missions and local travel in Phnom Penh and field trips in the provinces.

  • A detailed methodology and work plan for the PPG process 2
  • Baseline information on the natural resource & socio-economic profiles for selected ECAs/project sites        10
  • Develop an ecosystem-based framework for monitoring compliance with restoring and maintaining wetlands in favourable ecological condition     10
  • Prepare inputs and support the development of final PPG deliverables, as agreed with the PPG Task Team Leader.  

Supervision and Performance Evaluation

The consultant will report directly to Programme Specialist (Environment Sustainability and Energy) and Team Leader.  S/he will also closely coordinate tasks with Country Office through other team members in the cluster. S/he will also work closely with the other PPG team (national and international consultants) recruited by UNDP and the relevant stakeholders of the Government. S/he will keep UNDP informed of any issues that emerge during the PPG process which will likely affect the scope of the project design.

Timeframe and Deadllines

The assignment is for a total of 30 days over a period of 9 months on intermittent basis from 01 April to 31st December 2018

Timelines and milestones will be reflected in the inception note which will be prepared by the PPG team and reviewed jointly by UNDP and MoEF.

The final document shall be submitted to GEF SEC by 31st December 2018.

Duty Station

The consultant will be based in Dhaka with field mission in project site (in selected ECAs) in Bangladesh. The consultant is expected to spend at least 10 days out of the total 30 working days in Bangladesh for stakeholder consultation and field trips.

Selected individual consultant  who is expected to travel to the Country Office (CO) to undertake the assignment in the country (Bangladesh) is required to undertake the Basic Security in the Field (BSIF) training (https://dss.un.org/dssweb/WelcometoUNDSS/tabid/105/Default.aspx?returnurl=%2fdssweb%2f) prior to travelling.


The Consultant will use his/her own personal equipment. UNDP will provide a UNDP e-mail address. UNDP will provide office space.

[1] This outline framework should take into consideration experience and lessons learned from other parts of world, such as the European Union, with respect to its Water Framework Directive and the UK’s Common Standards Monitoring Framework for monitoring designated nature conservation sites, as detailed in the PIF.


  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • High level planning, organizational and time management skills, including flexibility, attention to detail and the ability to work under pressure to meet challenging deadlines;
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills of a high order, including the ability to formulate recommendations and advice senior management on tackling difficult scenarios;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including ability to establish strong cooperative relationships with senior government officials, civil society and donors;
  • Ability to quickly adapt to change, and to remain calm under pressure;
  • Proven cross-cultural communication and the ability to function effectively in an international, multicultural environment.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams and deliver quality outputs in a timely manner.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English


Required Skills and Experience


  • Master’s degree in water resource engineering, hydrology, ecology, or closely relevant academic disciplines.


  • Working experience in aquatic ecosystems , preferably in both government and private sectors, with a
  • At least 7 years in aspects relating to water quality and its restoration;
  • Extensive knowledge ofAt least 5 years of experience in water quality frameworks for monitoring compliance in maintaining and restoring aquatic systems in/to favorable ecological condition, with at least 5 years experience in their application at national levels;

Cumulative analysis

The award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant up on Cumulative Analysis/evaluation and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation;

Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% mark in technical evaluation will be considered eligible for financial evaluation.

Technical Evaluation Criteria (Total 70 marks)

  • Master’s degree in water resource engineering, hydrology, ecology, or closely relevant academic disciplines - 15 Marks;
  • Working experiences in the management and restoration of degraded wetland and freshwater ecosystems - 30 Marks;
  • Previous experience in designing project development in particular UNDP and GEF projects - 15 Marks;
  • Familiarity with the United Nations, Government and private sector environment - 10 Marks.

Financial Evaluation (Total 30 marks)

All technical qualified proposals will be scored out 30 based on the formula provided below. The maximum points (30) will be assigned to the lowest financial proposal. All other proposals received points according to the following formula:

p = y (µ/z)


  • p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated;
  • y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal;
  • µ = price of the lowest priced proposal;
  • z = price of the proposal being evaluated.

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days).

Financial Milestone

  • 1st Payment - (15% of the total contract amount) A detailed methodology and work plan for the PPG process;    
  • 2nd Payment - (45% of the total contract amount) Baseline information on the natural resource & socio-economic profiles for selected ECAs/project sites;
  • 3rd Payment - (20% of the total contract amount) Develop an ecosystem-based framework for monitoring compliance with restoring and maintaining wetlands in favourable ecological condition;
  • Final Payment (20% of the total contract amount) Prepare inputs and support the development of final PPG deliverables, as agreed with the PPG Task Team Leader.    


Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  1. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;
  2. Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references; P11 can be downloaded from the link below: http://www.bd.undp.org/content/bangladesh/en/home/operations/jobs/
  3. Brief description of why the individual considers him/her self as the most suitable for the assignment and work plan, as to how they will approach and complete the assignment. Provide link for the relevant publications (at least 3)
  4. Financial Proposal: Financial Proposal has to be submitted through a standard interest and availability template which can be downloaded from the link below:


Please combine all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows to upload maximum one document.


UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
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