Jobs advertised by Volunteer Latin America

Volunteer Latin America

Marine Mammal Participation Program

This program supports activities related to the research and conservation of marine mammal species (whales, dolphins, porpoises, sea-lions, and marine otters). Participants are trained to participate in the rescue, rehabilitation, and biological ...
Peru - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Amphibian Conservation Volunteer Program

This project offers the chance to participate in the frontline battle against amphibian extinctions in the Neotropics. Activities include manual labour, animal husbandry, developing and implementing educational programs and/or herpetological field ...
Panama - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Hummingbird Pollination Study

This project is looking for a volunteer research assistant for an 8-week hummingbird pollination study. The research will involve mist-netting and tracking of hummingbirds as well as plant-based studies of nectar properties and seed collection and ...
Peru - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Help with Riding Tours in the Andes

This specialist riding company, offering horseback riding holidays across the Andes, is looking for volunteer assistance form December 2013 onwards. Volunteers need to be competent riders with a willingness to muck in with whatever needs doing on ...
Ecuador - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Sea Turtle Conservation Project

This project is looking for willing pairs of helping hands at an important nesting site for Leatherback, Green and Hawksbill sea turtles. Volunteer duties include beach patrols, hatchery work, maintenance work and helping at the sea turtle ...
Costa Rica - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Research Assistants - Sea Turtle Conservation

This sea turtle conservation program strives to preserve and collect data on two main species that visit the research sites: the Olive Ridley and the Pacific Green Turtle. It is looking for research assistants whose activities range from proving ...
Costa Rica - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Research Assistants - Sea Turtle Conservation

This project is looking for research assistants for seveal sea turtle conservation programs. All the sites are important nesting sites for Leatherback, Green and Hawksbill sea turtles. Depending on the site the work ranges from beach patrols and ...
Costa Rica - America South,
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