We couldn’t find what you were looking for, but here are some previous jobs that matched your criteria


Expert Environnement et Changement Climatiques

Le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD) au Mali s’est engagé à aider le gouvernement du Mali à bâtir une économie forte, résiliente, inclusive et à faibles ...
Mali - Africa,

Consultant national - Specialiste de l'adaptation au changement climatique au niveau local 'Climate change adaptation mainstreaming and local development planning/budgeting specialist'

Le Mali est un vaste pays enclavé et peu peuplé d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Il couvre plus de 1,2 million de km² et a 14,5 millions de personnes en 2009 (avec environ 75% de ceux-ci vivant dans les zones rurales). Il est ...
Mali - Africa,

Climate Security Specialist

Mali is a landlocked country situated in the Sahel region, which continues to face significant challenges, marked by growing fragility and a protracted, multifaceted crisis. This fragility results, among others, from deficits of resilience to ...
Mali - Africa,
(Ext Link)

Project Manager Specialist in Vulnerability Analysis, AT and Climate-Smart Technologies

GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES:The person in charge will be responsible for the technical, administrative and financial coordination of the outputs entrusted to IUCN as part of the REELS project in Mali or Niger. He (she) will provide technical and ...
Mali - Africa,
(Ext Link)