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Conservation Jobs with IUCN. IUCN is the world's oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organizations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries. For environmental jobs with the IUCN please visit their careers portal. Or check out environment jobs at

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Jobs advertised by IUCN


Senior Programme Officer, Natural Resources Management-EAC

The East African Community (EAC), in collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), is addressing critical biodiversity threats such as climate change, deforestation, and illegal wildlife trade through the management ...
Tanzania - Africa,
Expires in 11 Day/s

Especialista en conservación de la biodiversidad para el proyecto: Conservación de la biodiversidad marino-costera basada en la comunidad en Honduras

Creada en 1948, la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) tiene la misión de "influir, alentar y ayudar a las sociedades de todo el mundo a conservar la integridad y diversidad de la naturaleza y ...
Honduras - America South,
Expires in 11 Day/s

Asistencia Administrativa y Financiera para el proyecto: Conservación de la biodiversidad costera- marina basada en la comunidad en Honduras

Creada en 1948, la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) tiene la misión de "influir, alentar y ayudar a las sociedades de todo el mundo a conservar la integridad y diversidad de la naturaleza y ...
Honduras - America South,
Expires in 11 Day/s

On thin ice: Vulnerable Arctic treasures identified

A report released today identifies 13 of the richest and most vulnerable places in the Arctic Ocean that should be considered for protection as summer sea ice melts and industrial activity expands into newly accessible areas. The Bering Strait, ...
Switzerland - Europe,
Expires in 9405 Day/s

Expanding IUCN’s science engagement for better conservation

IUCN welcomes distinguished scientists from around the world and a wide variety of disciplines to the new IUCN Science Advisory Board. Successful conservation requires sound priority setting and decision-making that is based on the best available ...
Switzerland - Europe,
Expires in 9405 Day/s