Career at Temple

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Lead International Consultant (LIC) to develop a project to the Adaptation Fund (AF) addressing extreme climate-induced water-related events in Moldova

Republic of Moldova (Moldova) is a small-sized landlocked country in Eastern Europe, exposed to different natural hazards, including floods, droughts and severe storms. In line with climate scenarios, in Moldova the average temperature is ...
Moldova - Europe,

Climate Change Strategic and Institutional Specialist

According to Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, each Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is required to prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to support ...
Fiji - Australasia,

Climate Proofing UNDP-GEF Terminal Evaluation 2019

The Global Environment Fund-financed project on Climate Proofing Local Development Gains in Rural and Urban Areas of Machinga and Mangochi Districts in Malawi was designed to reduce vulnerability to climate change driven droughts, floods and ...
Malawi - Africa,

Climate and Economic Development Consultant - IC LTA

The Pacific Risk Resilience Programme works with Pacific Island countries to 1) mainstream gender sensitive and inclusive climate change and disaster risk management into development planning, budgeting and implementation and 2) contribute ...
Fiji - Australasia,

Climate Change Consultant (UNDP, New York)

Working in over 170 countries and territories, and with a key role in governance and SDG integration, UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) is responsible for developing relevant policy and guidance to support the ...
New York - America North,

Consultancy – Climate, Land, Energy and Water (CLEWS) Expert

UNDP is the knowledge frontier organization for sustainable development in the UN Development System and serves as the integrator for collective action to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNDP’s policy work carried out ...
New York - America North,

Environment Intern, UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC)

The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) for Global Development Partnerships, established in 2011, represents UNDP in Korea, works with Korea on international issues, and shares Korea’s development experiences with other countries. The ...
Korea (South) - Asia & M East,

Individual Consultant - National Climate Change and Transparency Expert

The objective of the GEF PPG is to develop the project concept into a full project: Capacity-building for establishing an Integrated and Enhanced Transparency Framework for Climate actions and support measures. As described in the project ...
India (North) - Asia & M East,

International Consultant – Private Sector Engagement on Climate Information and Early Warning System in Cambodia

Cambodia is facing mounting development challenges due to climate change.  The observed longer dry seasons and shorter, more intense rainy seasons have become a common observation in Cambodia. In addition, climate change exacerbates the ...
Cambodia - Asia & M East,

Climate Proofing International Consultant

The Global Environment Fund-financed project on Climate Proofing Local Development Gains in Rural and Urban Areas of Machinga and Mangochi Districts in Malawi was designed to reduce vulnerability to climate change driven droughts, floods and ...
Malawi - Africa,

National Consultant (Climate Change)

India is a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Towards fulfillment of obligations under the Convention, UNDP is supporting Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in developing scientific ...
India (North) - Asia & M East,

Consultant international pour la formation des experts nationaux en évaluations de la vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques

Après sa Communication Nationale Initiale (CNI) en 2001, sa deuxième communication nationale (DCN) en 2010, sa troisième communication nationale (TCNCC), en 2015 et son premier rapport biennal actualisé, en 2017, ...
Togo - Africa,

Support for the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification system on Climate Change and development of a concept note for a national Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency

Albania ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and signed the Paris Agreement in 2016. Under the Decision 17/CP.8 and the Decision 2/CP17 Albania as a non-Annex I party ...
Albania - Europe,

International GHG Reduction and Climate Change Expert (Individual Consultant)

The “Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) for low-carbon end-use sectors in Azerbaijan” Project’s objective is to reduce the annual growth rate of GHG emissions from the energy end-use sectors. The project ...
Azerbaijan - Europe,

Programme Assistant (Climate Action)

You are invited to join a team of dedicated development professionals whose primary role is to support the Philippines to achieve the 2030 Agenda.  As part of the UNDP team your focus will be to work with multiple stakeholders to find ...
Philippines - Asia & M East,
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