Career at Temple

We couldn’t find what you were looking for, but here are some previous jobs that matched your criteria


Junior Consultant - Ecosystems and Biodiversity (EBD)

As the largest single operational and financial UN player in the field of environmental sustainability, UNDP is widely recognized as a global leader in supporting governments to sharpen policy, access finance and develop capacity for the ...
Thailand - Asia & M East,

ICT Green Energy Internship

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office of Information Management and Technology (OIMT) in Copenhagen is responsible for supporting UNDP Country Offices around the world with ICT and Green Energy solutions. Our vision is to ...
Denmark - Europe,

Mid-Term Review Team Leader for Climate Change Mitigation – MTRE3 Project (International)

Background Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref.: IC/UNDP/EU-MTRE3/022/2019 - Mid-Term Review Team Leader for Climate Change Mitigation – MTRE3 Project (International) at the following ...
Indonesia - Asia & M East,

Interns on Environment and Results Reporting respectively (2 positions are available)

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is an UN's global anti-poverty network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP is on the ground in 177 ...
New York - America North,

Intern - Environment

The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) for Global Development Partnerships, established in 2011, represents UNDP in Korea, works with Korea on international issues, and shares Korea’s development experiences with other countries. The ...
Korea (South) - Asia & M East,

Intern on Climate Change (CC)

In Climate Change UNDP works to support the countries in developing, promoting and implementing policies and actions in the framework of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. UNDP has been working across the following Climate ...
Turkey - Europe,

Consulting service for Watershed Services in the Chishui River Basin for the Conservation of Globally Significant Biodiversity

he project was designed to contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of globally significant biodiversity in China. Its objective is to operationalize a replicable PWS scheme in the Chishui River Basin to stimulate land and natural ...
China (Central) - Asia & M East,

IICPSD Research intern

The IICPSD offers a selected group of outstanding graduate-level students the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to IICPSD's work as a center of excellence for private sector in development and inclusive markets. It is designed to ...
Turkey - Europe,

Environment Statistics Specialist

UNDP is the UN global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. It works with individual countries on their own solutions to global and ...
Lesotho - Africa,

International Consultant - Lead International Advisor

As a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has undertaken important steps towards understanding and addressing climate change issues. It is increasingly recognized not ...
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Europe,

Energy Economist for the GCF ‘Accelerating the Transformational Shift to a Low-Carbon Economy in the Republic of Mauritius – Component 1’ project

The Green Climate Fund (GCF), through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is providing financial support and expertise to assist the Government of Mauritius in achieving their targets set in the Long-Term Energy Strategy ...
Mauritius - Africa,

International Consultant to Undertake Feasibility Study for the Setting Up of a Floating Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Farm in Lakes and Reservoirs in Mauritius

With 84% of its primary energy requirements met from imported fossil fuels, Mauritius, like many Small Island Developing States (SIDS), is extremely vulnerable to energy shocks. The grid emission factor of Mauritius is extremely high at 1.01 ...
Mauritius - Africa,

Consultancy – Gender and Climate Change in the NDC Process, BPPS/CC&DRR

UNDP is the largest implementing partner on climate action in the UN System, currently supporting over 140 countries with a portfolio of over US$3 billion in programming. UNDP works directly with countries on developing and implementing ...
New York - America North,

Climate Change Adaptation’s Asia-Pacific Portfolio Management Support Consultant

UNDP’s Bureau of Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) provides leadership and technical support to deliver on the UNDP’s Strategic Plan priorities on Sustainable Development Pathways and Resilience and Governance. The UNDP-GEF ...
Thailand - Asia & M East,

International Reviewer for the Low Carbon Cities Framework and Assessment System

In line with the Government's intention to reduce the national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity per Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 45% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels, the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & ...
Malaysia - Asia & M East,
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