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International Reviewer for the Low Carbon Cities Framework and Assessment System

Sectors Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location Malaysia - Asia & M East
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Senior Level
Deadline 12/12/2018
Company Name UNDP
Contact Name Human Resources
Website Further Details / Applications
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In line with the Government's intention to reduce the national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity per Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 45% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels, the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change (MESTECC) and the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) have developed the Low Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF), a framework that guides the implementation of low carbon measures in a city/ township. This framework, substantiated by an assessment system called the Low Carbon Cities Assessment System (LCCFTRACK), allows for the performance of cities and townships on their contribution to the carbon emission levels of the country to be qualified and monitored. Established in 2011, the framework helps stakeholders in cities and townships to define their priorities and develop action plans to reduce their carbon emissions as it focuses specifically on strategies and measures towards carbon reduction.

The objectives of the LCCF are: -

  • To encourage and promote the concept of low carbon cities and townships in malaysia;
  • To increase the compatibility of cities/township with their local natural system;and
  • To guide cities in making choice/decisions towards greener solutions.

Key elements / components of the LCCF:

The LCCF is based on four (4) main elements which are: 1) Urban Environment, 2) Urban Transportation, 3) Urban Infrastructure and 4) Buildings. These four elements are further broken down to 15 performance criteria and 41 sub-criteria to help stakeholders to comprehend the cities’ carbon footprint and to take the applicable reduction measures in achieving national climate aspirations.

The Low Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF) provides the elements on which the low carbon city approach will be hinged, whereas Low Carbon Cities Assessment System (LCCFTRACK) is a dedicated online carbon assessment system which was designed to support the implementation of the LCCF. The LCCFTRACK utilises the ingredients from the LCCF and converts them into carbon equivalents. The LCCF and the LCCFTRACKare not separable and should be read in conjunction with each other. The usage of both is sequential, starting with the framework.

Among the benefits gained by cities and townships in implementing the LCCF are: -

  1.  Reduced carbon emissions of the country derived by the efforts of Local Authorities and the communities;
  2.  Improved efficiency and use of sustainable practices among Local Authorities (energy, water resources, solid waste);
  3.  A catalyst for green technology-based industries;
  4.  Provision of new services and opportunities in the country in terms of low carbon development.


The Low Carbon Cities Framework is a dynamic framework that reflects the current progress of the country as well as the current international direction. The second version of the framework was launched in 2017 and is available at the following link: http://www.lccf.my/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/LCCF_Book-Version-2-2017.pdf. To ensure that the LCCF and the LCCFTRACK stays relevant and is aligned with international standards, the framework needs to be continuously improved and updated. As the national framework, LCCF must always be aligned with the global effort on climate change mitigation.

Information about the LCCF and the LCCFTRACK is available at the following link: http://www.lccf.my/


The review of the LCCF and the assessment system is conducted under a UNDP-GEF project called the Green Technology Application for the Development of Low Carbon Cities (GTALCC). The project was initiated to facilitate the implementation of low carbon initiatives in at least five Malaysian cities and showcase a clear and integrated approach to low carbon development. The objective will be achieved by removing barriers to integrated low carbon urban planning and development through 3 components :

1)      Policy support for the promotion of integrated low carbon urban development, which will enable cities to implement and adopt integrated low carbon urban development plans;

2)      Awareness and institutional capacity development, which will expedite appraisal, approval and the implementation of strategic urban development, and ensure cities are aware of planning and implementing low carbon technology applications, and;

3)      Low carbon technology investments in cities, where there is an increase in investment in low carbon technologies with more low carbon projects implemented.


The project will be implemented over 5 years in Cyberjaya, Iskandar Malaysia, Melaka, Petaling Jaya, and Putrajaya. It is expected to be generate direct GHG emission reductions of 346,442 tonnes CO2eq by end of project and 2,152,032 tonnes CO2eq over the lifetime of project investment.

The Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC) is the implementing partner of this project. The Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA), an agency under MESTECC is the implementing agency of this project.


Duties and Responsibilities

The Consultant will perform the following tasks:

  1. Conduct a review of the current LCCF guide document (which includes both the framework and assessment system) against other similar international low carbon city frameworks and assessment systems,for example the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC), the Low Carbon City Development Program (LCCDP), the Carbonn Climate Registry (cCR),  Low Carbon Model Town (LCMT) of APERC or any approved equivalent framework, assessment system or programme as jointly agreed during the inception phase. The consultant will provide a detailed analysis of the relevant information;
  2. Identify strengths and gaps of LCCF in technical and non-technical areas through a mixture of both desktop research and active consultation with relevant actors, including but not limited to national ministries/ agencies and local authorities;
  3. Proposed detailed improvements to the LCCF guide document and methodology (both qualitative and quantitative);
  4. Recommend improvements for LCCF methodology’s alignment with the GHG Protocol for Communities Scale (GPC) city level reporting;
  5. To propose mitigation actions that can be included under LCCF for carbon reduction;
  6. To recommend enhancements  or value add to LCCF as a planning tool for municipalities and new development;
  7. Recommend strategies, action plan, roadmap or way forward for LCCF to be one of the globally recognised tools;
  8. Present findings and recommendations of the consultancy in a 1 day workshop.



The consultant will report to the National Project Manager in consultation with the UNDP programme manager. He/She will work closely with the GTALCC project team based at the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) and the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia). The methodology includes desk research, data collection, active consultation, engagements with MESTECC and GreenTech Malaysia, local authorities, and all relevant stakeholders involved in low carbon cities.


Deliverables and Timeline:

The Consultant shall be responsible for the delivery, content, technical quality and accuracy of the reports in accordance to the timeline in Annex I.


Terms of Payment:

The fee is payable upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of the deliverables by SEDA/MESTECC and UNDP Malaysia. Please refer the below schedule of payments.  Prices should be in US Dollars Per day rate inclusive of all expenses (insurance, international and local travels and communications) related to the assignment. The consultant is responsible for payment of all relevant taxes. Breakdown and schedule of payments is in Annex 1.



The project is expected to be completed in 3 months after signing of work contract by successful bidder. The deliverables and timeline are as per the Financial Proposal form. The consultancy will take place from 17 December 2018.



Functional Competencies:

  • Experience in Low Carbon Cities / GHG tools and frameworks;
  • Knowledgeable in urban planning law and policies;
  • Knowledgeable in low carbon integrated urban planning and development;
  • Knowledgeable in GHG inventory and climate change mitigation.

Development and Operational Effectiveness:

  • Relevant experience in benchmarking of tools / frameworks;
  • Ability to analyse technical requirements in the low carbon cities context;
  • Demonstrate strong analytical skills.

Management and Leadership: 

  • Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates strong oral and and written communication skills;
  • Builds strong relationships with stakeholders.


Required Skills and Experience


Education Requirement:

  • At least a Master’s Degree in urban and regional planning, science, engineering, environmental policy, climate change, sustainable development or any other similar field;
  • Bachelor’s Degree in similar field as above, with more than 10 years of working experience is accepted in lieu of the Master’s degree.



  • Minimum of 10 years of mixed experience in the areas of climate change mitigation, sustainable development and low carbon cities/green cities;
  • At least 5 years of demonstrated experience in the development and review of of low carbon cities policies, frameworks, and/or assessment systems
  • Strong track record in conducting technical studies and assessments relating to low carbon cities;
  • Well acquainted with the roles and functions of different stakeholders at the national, regional/state, local governments and private sector in the low carbon city context;
  • Proven expertise in conducting GHG emissions or inventory related calculations;
  • Experience in delivering similar task is an added advantage;
  • Experience in UNDP/GEF projects is an added advantage.


Language Requirement

Fluency in both written and spoken English.


How to Apply:

  • Kindly download the Letter of Confirmation of interest and availability, Financial Proposal Template, P11 form and General Terms & Conditions mentioned below;
  • Read and agree to the General Terms & Conditions;
  • Click the ‘apply’icon and complete what is required;
  • Scan all documents into 1 pdf folder and then upload;
  • For clarification question, please email to procurement.my@undp.org. The clarification question deadline is three (3) days before the closing. When emailing for clarification questions, please put "MyIC_2018_030" as the subject matter.


Forms and General terms & conditions to be downloaded:

  • The UN Personal History Form (P11) is available at:http://www.my.undp.org/content/dam/malaysia/docs/Procurement/P11%20for%20SC%20&%20IC.doc?download
  • Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability at: http://www.my.undp.org/content/dam/malaysia/docs/Procurement/Letter%20of%20Interest%20_Annex%201.docx?download
  • The Financial Proposal Template at: http://www.my.undp.org/content/dam/malaysia/docs/Procurement/MyIC_2018_030%20Financial%20Template.docx 
  • The General Terms & Conditions for Individual contract is available at:http://www.my.undp.org/content/dam/malaysia/docs/Procurement/General%20Conditions%20of%20Contract%20for%20IC.pdf?download
  • The General Terms & Conditions for Reimbursement Loan Agreement is available at:http://www.my.undp.org/content/dam/malaysia/docs/Procurement/Reimbursable%20Loan%20Agreement%20_%20Terms%20&%20Conditions.pdf?download 


Important Note:

  • This Consultancy position is only accepted online. Email submission is not valid;
  • Applicant must READ and ACCEPT the General Terms and Conditions;
  • The system DOES NOT accept multiple document upload. Please scan all the documents and save into one (1) PDF file and upload.
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