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The Energy Saving Trust is the UK's leading impartial organisation helping people to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

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Energy Saving Trust


England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
Energy Saving Trust

Report highlights need for improved insulation

A new report has stressed the need for faster improvements to building insulationin the UK, as well as the uptake of renewable heat systems. Findings by the Committee on Climate Change's third Annual Report reveal that UK emissions increased ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
Energy Saving Trust

Huhne calls on utilities to volunteer tariff changes

Energy secretary Chris Huhne has called upon the UK's utility companies to volunteer information to consumers to help them find the lowest tariff. In an open letter to energy firms, he states that it would be "vastly preferable, less burdensome and ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
Energy Saving Trust

Zero carbon homes 'not the end of British design'

When all new homes are built to zero carbon standards by 2016, it will not put an end to "Great British design", housing minister Grant Shapps has said. Reassuring homeowners that having energy efficient homes does not mean they cannot be ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
Energy Saving Trust

Are companies at their green limit?

Businesses working to lower their carbon emissions might come to a point where they cannot do more because of external factors, according to Forum for the Future. Iain Watt, principle sustainability advisor at the non-profit organisation suggested ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s
Energy Saving Trust

Home economics: cutting carbon and creating jobs, by nation and region

Home economics: cutting carbon and creating jobs, by nation and region Our report maps out an energy-efficient economic vision for GB PLC, as we stand to gain £6.6bn from the burgeoning green economy. Insulating all Britain's remaining ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
Expires in 9405 Day/s