environment jobs Est. in 1994. Delivering Environment Jobs for 31 years
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Urban Green Newcastle Featured Job
Parks Estate Manager
Urban Green Newcastle
Full-time - Permanent - £35,000 per annum
The Estate Manager plays a key role in ensuring that Urban Green Newcastle delivers exceptional and welcoming green spaces for people and wildlife across the city. As an inspiring leader, the Parks Estate Manager encourages the ranger service ...
England (North East), UK
Posted 9 Day/s Ago. Expires in 19 Day/s
Urban Green Newcastle Featured Job
Fundraising Manager, Operations Team
Urban Green Newcastle
Full-time - Fixed term (2 years) - £30,000 per annum
Responsible To: Operations Director Urban Green Newcastle are seeking to appoint an experienced Fundraising Manager to our Operations Team. The role is full-time and is for a fixed term of two years, with the potential for a permanent appointment ...
England (North East), UK
Posted 9 Day/s Ago. Expires in 19 Day/s
SLM Specialist - Grenada
Grenada’s biodiversity is being threatened by unsafe agricultural practices and encroachment from human settlements, resulting in habitat loss and fragmentation, overexploitation of biological resources, and pollution. The presence of invasive ...
Grenada, America South
Posted 0 Day/s Ago. Expires in 9 Day/s
Regional Technical Specialist for Water, Ecosystems, and Biodiversity
UNDP is the knowledge frontier organization for sustainable development in the UN Development System and serves as the integrator for collective action to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNDP’s policy work carried out at HQ, ...
Ethiopia, Africa
Posted 0 Day/s Ago. Expires in 10 Day/s
Climate Change Mitigation Specialist (SC 7/SB4)
The Kyrgyz Republic committed to combating climate change and accelerating the transition to climate-resilient, low-carbon sustainable modes of development, being a Party to the UNFCCC since 2000, and having ratified all relevant subsequent ...
Krygyzstan, Asia & M East
Posted 0 Day/s Ago. Expires in 9 Day/s
Climate Change Advisor/ Projects Coordinator (SC 9/SB5)
The Kyrgyz Republic has recognised the risks posed by climate change and has begun to take steps towards improving their adaptive capacity. The integration of climate change and disaster risk management into sustainable development planning, poverty ...
Krygyzstan, Asia & M East
Posted 0 Day/s Ago. Expires in 9 Day/s
SLM Specialist - Grenada
Grenada’s biodiversity is being threatened by unsafe agricultural practices and encroachment from human settlements, resulting in habitat loss and fragmentation, overexploitation of biological resources, and pollution. The presence of invasive ...
Grenada, America South
Posted 0 Day/s Ago. Expires in 9 Day/s
Pheasants Forever, Inc. (PF) and Quail Forever (QF)
Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist - North Vernon, Indiana
Pheasants Forever, Inc. (PF) and Quail Forever (QF)
Work in a joint capacity with Pheasants Forever, Inc. (PF) and Quail Forever (QF), USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Wildlife (DFW), to promote, coordinate and ...
Indiana, America North
Posted 0 Day/s Ago. Expires in 16 Day/s
Marine Stewardship Council
Supply Chain Standards Manager
Marine Stewardship Council
Full Time (35 hours / week)
Are you passionate about the oceans? Do you want to work with like-minded others to deliver sustainable seafood to consumers across the globe? If so, you could be the perfect fit for the Marine Stewardship Council! We are currently looking for a ...
England (London & Greater), UK
Posted 0 Day/s Ago. Expires in 26 Day/s