environment jobs Est. in 1994. Delivering Environment Jobs for 31 years
Application deadline:
Thursday, 23. August 2018 - 12:00
BirdLife International is a global Partnership of autonomous, national non-governmental conservation organisations, with a large grassroots membership, in 120 countries and territories. BirdLife works together as a Partnership to conserve wild birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, by working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources. BirdLife is the global authority on the status of bird species, has unparalleled technical expertise in bird and biodiversity assessment, and provides a global outreach through its national Partners and decentralised Secretariat.
BirdLife Europe and Central Asia is the regional division of BirdLife International, and is one of the six BirdLife regional offices around the world. It is composed of an international team of permanent staff working on conservation, capacity building, policy, management, finance, fundraising, advocacy, science, communication, marketing and administration. Stichting BirdLife Europe supports the European and Central Asia Partnership of BirdLife International, which consists of 45 independent, grassroots Civil Society Organisations, governed by a democratic programme.
Stichting BirdLife Europe is looking for a consultant that can deliver a desk study that assesses the progress towards delivering the objectives set out in the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, and make recommendations for a future Biodiversity strategy post-2020.
Stichting BirdLife Europe is looking to commission a report that assesses how the EU is delivering against the objectives it set itself under the Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 in the context of the EU’s commitments under the CBD (Aichi targets). The report should synthesise the state of play of its implementation two years ahead of deadline, and identify lessons learned that can inform the development of future Biodiversity policy post 2020. The report should also make concrete recommendations for the next EU Biodiversity Strategy and for EU commitments under the CBD post-20202, in particular looking at how targets can be translated into more tangible and effective commitments.
• Develop in cooperation with the policy team a methodology for assessing overall progress on the EU biodiversity targets.
• Gather the relevant information from BirdLife partners, other experts and institutional data sources (e.g. EEA, JRC etc) concerning the delivery of the objectives as set out in the Strategy.
• Write a high impact report that identifies opportunities missed and lessons learned, and provide recommendations for the development of the future EU Biodiversity Strategy post-2020.
• Work with the BirdLife Europe communication team to transform the report into a set of effective communication and advocacy tools.
• Have a relevant academic degree (additional work experience may be accepted in lieu of this);
• Have relevant experience with the EU Biodiversity policy;
• Have in-depth understanding of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, and the track record of the EU in the achievement of its objectives;
• Have a sound grasp of the operation of EU institutions;
• Have very good understanding of conservation issues and policy, be familiar with the objectives set out in the Strategy and have a sound understanding of the basic issues underpinning their achievement;
• Be capable of understanding and presenting, in written and oral form the key findings;
• Have excellent communications skills;
• Speak and write English fluently, with fluency in other EU languages being considered an asset.
The budget for the project: EUR 8000 (excluding VAT).
To be paid in two instalments, the first 50% after signature of the contract and the second after completion of the work and final reporting.
Any offers received that do not respect the upper limit will be automatically excluded from the evaluation procedure.
The price for the tender must be quoted in Euro. Tenderers from countries outside the Euro zone have to quote their prices in Euro. The price quoted may not be revised in line with exchange rate movements. It is for the tenderer to assume the risks or the benefits deriving from any variation. In additions there will be a limited travel budget to cover 1 or 2 missions (e.g. public presentation of study results).
Prospective consultants are invited to submit proposals before 23rd August 2018, 12:00 CET.
The proposals should be sent to Barbara.Herrero@birdlife.org (by email only) specifying the following:
• Number of person days they would be ready to provide over 6 months;
• Daily rate and total proposed budget, VAT excluded;
• Competence/experience of the person who would actually be providing the service; CV and cover letter describing how the service is going to be rendered to be attached;
• Commitment to pursue the above mentioned objectives for the duration of the project;
• Readiness to make 1-2 short trips to Brussels to present the findings;
• Date when consultant would be able to start.