environment jobs Est. in 1994. Delivering Environment Jobs for 31 years
Intersting to see several jobs from the UNDP based in the East. These are the roles...
National Gender Specialist for Climate Change, Lebanon
Solar Systems Technical Evaluation Consultant,Yemen
International Consultant to support development of 6th National Report of Turkmenistan to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Turkmenistan
REDD+ Technical Specialist (FCPF II), Cambodia
There seems to be some real momentum on the protection of wildlife and the prevention of trading in animals and animal parts.
The WWF are recruiting for this role - Leader, WWF Tigers Alive - (Open Location). "Tigers Alive is WWF’s highly ambitious and visionary species recovery programme. It proposes a bold plan to galvanize political will and take action to double the number of wild tigers by 2022 (this overarching goal is known as TX2); focusing on 13 landscapes that the world's top tiger experts of have identified as offering the best chances of growing the world’s tiger populations."
Another day, more environmental and wildlife jobs.