Career at Temple

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Fundraising Officer

About Launched in April 2018, the BlueSeeds project was born because of the urgent need to increase the financial sustainability of marine conservation projects in the Mediterranean. Thanks to the support of the Mava Foundation, the BlueSeeds team ...
France West - Europe,
Natural Power

Senior Environmental Consultant - Part Time (France)

Senior Environmental Consultant- Part Time Nantes, France Natural Power is a leading independent renewable energy consultancy and products provider offering consultancy, management and due diligence services across the onshore wind, offshore wind, ...
France West - Europe,
Beyond Fossil Fuels

Program Lead, Corporate Energy Transition Campaign

We, Beyond Fossil Fuels (BFF), are an alliance of passionate civil society groups committed to transforming the European energy sector. We strive for a just transition to a fossil-free, fully renewables-based energy system that protects people, ...
Turkey - Europe, Albania - Europe, Andorra - Europe, Armenia - Europe, Austria - Europe, Azerbaijan...,
(Ext Link)

Manager Sustainability

Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working ...
France North - Europe, France West - Europe, France Central - Europe,
(Ext Link)

Ecologists, Naturalists, and Taxonomic Experts

Can you identify birds, bats or frogs from acoustic data??  Or can you identify plants, mammals and insects found from high-resolution images??  Do you enjoy sharing your expertise and ...
France North - Europe, France East - Europe, France South - Europe, France West - Europe, France...,
(Ext Link)