Career at Temple

We couldn’t find what you were looking for, but here are some previous jobs that matched your criteria

The Orchard Project

Greater Manchester Project Manager

£32,227 FTE, plus 5% employers pension and wellbeing budget
Job title - Greater Manchester Project Manager Duration of Post  - 1 year, to continue depending on funding Working hours - 3 days/week (22.5 hours) Responsible to - Head of Operations and Programmes Location - Greater Manchester, ...
England (North West) - UK,
The Orchard Project

Training Co-ordinator Intern

3 days/week (22.5 hours/week) / £9.90/hr (Glasgow), £11.05/hr (London)
We are recruiting in London and Glasgow! This is a great opportunity to join The Orchard Project's team, working to administer our training programmes to support local community orcharding. Working as part of a friendly and supportive team, you will ...
Scotland (Central) - UK,
The Orchard Project

Training Co-ordinator Intern

3 days/week (22.5 hours/week) / £9.90/hr (Glasgow), £11.05/hr (London)
We are recruiting in London and Glasgow! This is a great opportunity to join The Orchard Project's team, working to administer our training programmes to support local community orcharding. Working as part of a friendly and supportive team, you will ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,
The Orchard Project

Fundraising Volunteer

Role title Fundraising Volunteer Responsible to Fundraising Manager About The Orchard Project The Orchard Project is a national charity, dedicated to bringing orchards into the heart of urban communities. We ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,