Career at Temple

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Swarm Dynamics

Join the Board of our Charity!

Trustee Vacancy: Come be part of the Board for our small charity working on system change through the use of the arts! We are eager to hear from people with either arts or environmental/social justice backgrounds who ...
Wales (North) - UK, Wales (East) - UK, Wales (West) - UK, Wales (South) - UK, Wales (Central) - UK...,
Swarm Dynamics

Trustee Vacancy - Board of Trustees

Trustee Vacancy - Swarm Dynamics Voluntary - Preferably Brighton / Sussex based   Do you have a knack for conjuring up a strategic vision, influencing and negotiating, and experience with fundraising and managing risk?  Are you ...
England (South East) - UK,
Swarm Dynamics

Social Media and Artist Outreach Volunteer

Join an exciting system change organisation! Swarm Dynamics is a non-profit organisation that harnesses arts and creative thinking to help changemakers engage wider audiences on system change issues. Our aim is to create a powerful ...
England (London & Greater) - UK,