We couldn’t find what you were looking for, but here are some previous jobs that matched your criteria

Volunteer Latin America

Field Assistants for Sea Turtle Project

This project is looking for field assistants to help monitor and protect nesting sea turtles between July to November, 2017.  Free accommodation and food plus a US$300 per month stipend.  A full project description is given on our ...
Costa Rica - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Giant Anteater Restoration

This project restores species of large mammals that have become threatened or extinct. It is looking for volunteers to help with the reintroduction of the Giant Anteater and other species such as Jaguar and Pampas Deer. Volunteers receive free ...
Argentina - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Carnivore Research Volunteers

This project is looking for volunteers interested in studying wildlife-habitat relationships in the mountains and rainforest. Volunteers will help collect data via remote cameras and vegetation sampling.  This is a great opportunity to build ...
Belize - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Wildlife Rehabilitation and Reintroduction

This project that cares for wild animals rescued from illegal animal trafficking is looking for volunteers to help out with animal care, grounds maintenance at animal release centre, photography and video production, communications and fundraising, ...
Brazil (South) - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Sea Turtle Research Assistant

This project is seeking Research Assistants (RAs), who work in coordination with a biologist on conservation and environmental education activities. RAs are needed for three month periods between early June 2017 and late January 2018. RAs receive ...
Costa Rica - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Responsible Mining Project

This project is looking for volunteers with skills in fundraising, marketing, communications, policy and advocacy, etc., for ethical projects on responsible mining. This is a great opportunity to contribute to a rewarding and meaningful initiative ...
Colombia - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Ostional Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Project

This project is focused on the study and monitoring of olive ridley populations. Volunteers take part in nightly patrols led by experienced biologists and local conservationists. During beach patrols volunteers will measure the carapace (shell) ...
Costa Rica - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Macaw Rewilding Project

Volunteer field assistants are needed for a rewilding project of the Red and Green Macaw. Volunteer’s activities include maintaining enclosures and surveying food availability in nearby forests, release and post release processes with VHF ...
Argentina - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Blue Whale Research for Student

This project is looking for an undergraduate or Master's level student for a Blue whale habitat use research project in Patagonia. The student will work on an internal database and participate in a marine mammal field monitoring program. The ...
Chile - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Sea Turtle Conservation Project Coordinators

This project is looking for individuals to manage the day-to-day running of a sea turtle conservation project. Free accommodation, 3 meals per day plus a US$200 per month stipend. For further information and to apply please visit our ...
Costa Rica - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Volunteer at Dive Centre

This certified PADI dive centre is looking for volunteers to help out with a diverse range of activities such as ordering food for diving trips and welcoming clients after a dive and cleaning their equipment. Volunteers generally work 5 days a week ...
Panama - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Biological Field Work

This project is looking for volunteers to conduct biological field research: Andean bear monitoring; research on the critically endangered yellow-tailed woolly monkey; the Andean night monkey, ornithology studies; etc.  This is a great ...
Peru - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Wildlife Recovery Centre

This project is looking for interns to help out with various tasks connected to the rehabilitation and release of rescued parrots. Interns also participate in research studies in a protected area (e.g. population census, behavioural observations, ...
Bolivia - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Help take care of Pumas

This wildlife rescue centre is looking for a long-term volunteer to oversee the care of four pumas. The role requires autonomy and organisation in carrying out the daily routine, which involves cleaning, preparing food, checking the animals and ...
Bolivia - America South,
Volunteer Latin America

Volunteer at Wildlife Sanctuary

This wildlife sanctuary in Costa Rica provides care and rehabilitation for injured and orphaned wildlife, and then releases them back into the wild. Facilities include a non-primate / quarantine habitat, enclosed habitats that encompass trees, and ...
Costa Rica - America South,
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