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Wildlife TRAPS Project Officer - Central Africa

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Cameroon - Africa
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 09/04/2021
Company Name IUCN
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Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : Conservation Jobs with IUCN. IUCN is the world's oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organizations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries. For environmental jobs with the IUCN please visit their careers portal. Or check out environment jobs at www.environmentjobs.com
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TRAFFIC is the leading non-governmental organization working globally on trade in wild animals and plants in the context of both biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. TRAFFIC International is a charity and limited company registered in the UK. TRAFFIC’s head office, based in Cambridge UK, provides worldwide leadership, coordination, cross-regional and corporate functions. TRAFFIC’s local engagement is managed through programme offices operating under the auspices of the UK charity, with staff based in a hub office and at other strategic locations where necessary. Programme offices operate within a geographic area of responsibility focused on one or multiple countries where TRAFFIC aims to help deliver priority programme outcomes.
TRAFFIC, in partnership with IUCN Washington DC and through funding from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has been successfully implementing the ‘Wildlife Trafficking, Response, Assessment, Priority Setting’ (Wildlife-TRAPS) Project since February 2013. Recently funding has been secured through July 14th, 2023. The three-year extension is separated into two distinct phases. Phase 1 will focus on gathering evidence for risk-based decision making and includes establishment of strategic partnerships with zoonotic disease experts, and public and animal health experts to identify mitigation strategies to prevent future pandemics. Phase 2 will build on the research and partnerships in Phase 1 by applying the evidence base to influence and apply interventions on regulatory reform, cross-sectoral application (e.g. health, agriculture, wildlife) of traceability systems to improve supply chain management, and behaviour change messaging into the delivery of actions in key countries in Africa and Asia.
The Project Officer will lead the research and analysis work of TRAFFIC in Central Africa with a focus on implementation of the Wildlife TRAPS annual workplan activities and deliverables.

Responsible for ensuring the timely and effective implementation of Wildlife TRAPS Project activities in Central Africa while ensuring synergies with those in East Africa and globally to capture impact and learning that arise from these activities.
Lead on the development and data provision for the project and inputs into TRAFFIC’s WiTIS Database
Conduct analyses of data on wildlife use and trade including supporting the development of innovative techniques for data collection, analysis and presentation.
In synergy with other projects across TRAFFIC network, develop opportunities for Social Behaviour Change messaging to different actors in the supply chain.
Lead the development and implementation of TRAFFIC’s law enforcement support activities in Central Africa.

Implementation of the Wildlife TRAPS Project
Responsible for ensuring Wildlife-TRAPS Project work plan activities are successfully implemented and results secured, and that delivery is effectively coordinated with the Project Leader, and project counterparts in Africa/Asia and others across the TRAFFIC network.
Organising and supporting the delivery of activities and interventions in Africa.
Helping to establish and maintain relationships and support dialogue amongst an ‘international community’ of Wildlife TRAPS stakeholders and collaborators including both private and public sectors, and with particular attention to engaging experts from human/animal health on issues of zoonotic threat mitigation;
Helping to manage relationships with relevant USAID missions and to ensure the Wildlife TRAPS Project integrates productively with other USAID funded initiatives and programmes operating both within and between Africa and Asia.
Supporting a rigorous evaluation process for activities and interventions delivered through Phase II of the project in particular; capturing and communicating the findings from this in order to amplify Wildlife TRAPS impact where feasible and appropriate.
Supporting project management processes, including maintaining appropriate records and preparing financial and technical reporting information as required.
Supporting the Project Leader in ensuring this high profile project delivers a lasting impact.
Assess governments’ actions and practical steps towards satisfying commitments to various regional frameworks, declarations and initiatives such as: Sub-regional action plan for strengthening the implementation of wildlife national laws (PAPECALF) of the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC), Marrakesh Declaration, Congo Forest Basin Partnership (CBFP), and AFRICA-TWIX.
Establish where there are needs and opportunities for Asian counterparts to assist African countries to curb illegal wildlife trade.
Develop activities to inform and increase understanding amongst government, inter-government, private sector and civil society representatives around how trans-continental wildlife trafficking can be relevant to institutions dealing with broader issues; including for example, the wider trade agenda, zoonotic spillover risks, linkages with human and animal health, good governance, corruption and food security.
Provide technical assistance, data analysis, scientific information and research support to the Wildlife TRAPS Project on illegal wildlife trade in the Central, and East Africa regions, including formulation of recommendations for TRAFFIC, WWF and IUCN.
Prepare policy briefing papers in order to help address illegal wildlife trade issues relevant to trans-continental trade between Africa and Asia in line with the findings arising from delivery of the Wildlife-TRAPS Project.
Provide thoughtful input into the production of quarterly/annual reports and work plans and other documents.
Research and analysis of wildlife trade for relevant policy fora including CITES and CBD
Undertake specific project work relating to research and data analysis when required.
Under direction from the Central Africa POD:
Support the preparation of relevant aspects of TRAFFIC’s input to meetings of the CITES Scientific Committees and CoP through preparation of materials and research from central Africa.
Attend meetings of the Scientific Committees and CoPs and provide input (where funds are available).
TRAFFIC’s Information Systems Management
Overall responsibility for information management of the project in the Africa region;
Carries out data input, and regular analysis in central Africa, for internal purposes and to provide to relevant external fora/organisations/institutes.
Provide support to fundraising efforts which complement the delivery of the Wildlife TRAPS Project.
Support research and development of innovative technologies for data collection, analysis and presentation in general and on wildlife trade and zoonotic threats specifically.
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