The Karot Power Company Limited (KPCL), a subsidiary of China Three Gorges South Asia Investment Limited (CSAIL), is undertaking the construction of the 720 MW Karot Hydropower Project on the Jhelum Riverin Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). Consistent with the Biodiversity Management (Action) Plan Framework of CSAIL and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard 6, the preparation of a Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) was recommended in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the Project. The main objectives of the BMP are to f develop further the biodiversity mitigation presented in the ESIA, inclusive of determination of environmental flow, hydropeaking management, and to demonstrate ‘No Net Loss’ of biodiversity in natural habitats where feasible, as required by the IFC Performance Standards. In this regard, KPCL has engaged the services of IUCN Pakistan as the “Implementation Organization” (IO) for the BMP of Karot HPP.
The Biodiversity Management Plan is a critical element of the Karot HPP. It was formulated to address regional biodiversity concerns andachieve ’No Net Loss’ under the IFC’s Performance Standard 6. In addition,it addresses the implementation of Protection Level 2 to conserve, protect and restore the biological resources of the Jhelum River Basin. While the BMP is designed to achieve these objectives at the basin level, the need for a management plan for Murree Kahutta Kotli Sattian National Park (MKKSNP) and Azad Pattan National Park (APNP) is triggered by the AJK Wildlife and Fisheries Department, the Punjab Wildlife Department, and the Punjab Fisheries Department respectively in AJK and Punjab. NPMPs for MKKSNP and APNP are expected to strengthen the sustainability of the BMP and more importantly the national park itself.
One of the key deliverables of the IO is the development of two National Park Management Offices: one for APNP in AJK and one for MKKSNP in Punjab. Accordingly, the below Terms of References (ToRs) have been developed for hiring staff to carry out activities of APNP and MKKSNP offices for the Karot HPP. Awareness-raising, capacity building and engagement with stakeholders are the integral parts of the REDD+ Readiness phase in order to build understanding among all the stakeholders on climate change and REDD+ and REDD+ implementation, both at the national and sub-national levels. IUCN under this project will help raise awareness and build capacities in Pakistan.