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WAP Programme Manager (Consultancy Contract)

Sectors Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location England (London & Greater) - UK
Town/City Benin
Salary Additional Information Commensurate with Experience
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 30/07/2019
Company Name Zoological Society of London
Contact Name Human Resources
Email hr@zsl.org
Website Further Details / Applications
Zoological Society of London logo
Directory Entry : The Zoological Society of London, a charity founded in 1826, is a world-renowned center of excellent for conservation science and applied conservation, working in over 50 countries around the world
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Request for proposal for: WAP Programme Manager (Benin based)


The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), a charity founded in 1826, is a world-renowned centre of excellence for conservation science and applied conservation, working in over 50 countries around the world.


The W-Arly-Pendjari conservation complex (WAP-COM), spanning the borders of Burkina Faso, Niger and Benin, is one of the most important areas for conservation in West Africa. It represents the last relatively intact savannah system in the region and is a conservation priority for both large carnivores and African elephant. The complex faces increasing threats from illegal hunting, encroachment from pastoralists and agriculture all compounded by a lack of capacity to monitor, protect and manage the landscape.

ZSL’s programme in Benin and the wider W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) landscape works with governments, local communities, and the private sector and NGO/IGO partners to support effective protected area management and species focused conservation in this priority site for African conservation. An opportunity exists for a new position to join the small, dynamic ZSL Benin team to support delivery of this expanded programme of work.

Reporting to the ZSL Africa Programme Manager, the deliverables will help ensure the start-up and delivery across the programme portfolio. It will involve close collaboration with the Technical Advisor, the North, West and Central Co-ordinator for the rangewide conservation programme for cheetah and African wild dogs (RWCP) and the London-based Africa team. The role will also work closely with the Conservation and Policy department operations team and key cross-society functions at ZSL’s London HQ to support operations and project delivery.

You are invited by us (“ZSL”) to submit a proposal for the provision of services detailed in the requirement section of this document. Your Proposal must be received by midnight UK time, July 30th 2019.

It is the responsibility of all Proposers to ensure that their Proposal response is received no later than the appointed time. ZSL may undertake not to consider Proposals received after that time. ZSL are not bound to accept the lowest priced or any Proposal and shall not be bound to accept the Proposer as sole supplier. Prices quoted shall remain firm for the duration of the contract. All applicable tax must be clearly shown.


The Proposal will be evaluated using the following criteria and weightings:


Evaluation Criteria


E.g. Quality (logic, thoroughness, well-researched, clarity)


E.g. Price (criteria – overall cost)


E.g. Technical Merit (experience working in developing countries (West/Central Africa), programme management, fundraising, grant management and reporting, financial management, protected area, patrol-based monitoring, experience delivering training, project design and management, reporting)


Proposers must confirm their intention to submit a Proposal by 25th July 2019. Please see section 1.6 Proposal Acknowledgement for instructions on how to do this.


Enquiries and returns regarding this RFP should be addressed FAO Eleanor Harvie at ZSL’s Africa Programme via ZSL HR:  HR@ZSL.ORG


Yours sincerely,


Eleanor Harvie

Africa Programme Manager




1.1 Definitions


For the purpose of this RFP and any subsequent contract the following definitions, unless otherwise noted, apply.



Means Zoological Society of London, Reg. Charity 208728




Means any contract that results from this Request for Proposal


Means a written offer submitted in response to this Request for Proposal


Means an entity that submits, or is invited to submit, a Proposal in response to this Request for Proposal




Means the supply to be made by the entity that forms a Contract with ZSL in accordance with Part 2 of the RFP.





1.2  Amendments to RFP documents


ZSL may amend the RFP documents by issuing notices to that effect to all Proposers and may extend the RFP closing date and time if deemed appropriate.



1.3  Proposal Submission


The RFP should be emailed to:

Eleanor Harvie c/o HR HR@zsl.org

Your email and tender should be clearly marked: WAP Programme Manager, Benin

1.4  Acceptance of Proposals


A Proposal will not be accepted by ZSL unless and until ZSL has signed a Contract.


1.5  Confidentiality


All documents issued as part of RFP process are proprietary to ZSL and the information contained herein is confidential.

Except as required for the preparation of a Proposal, Proposers must not, without ZSL’s prior written consent, disclose to any third party any of the contents of the RFP documents. Proposers must ensure that their employees, consultants and agents also are bound and comply with this condition of confidentiality.

The Proposers’ response will be held in the strictest confidence, and all decisions regarding the selection of a Proposer and all negotiations will be final and confidential.

1.6  Proposal Acknowledgement


By participating in this RFP Proposers are indicating their acceptance to be bound by conditions set out in this Part of the RFP.

Proposers’ are to acknowledge this acceptance, and provide details of their representative that will be the sole point of contact for all matters relating to the RFP, in writing, to ZSL by July 30th 2019.

When responding please include the following:


Contact Name: Job Title:

Phone number: Email:







The Zoological Society of London’s Africa Programme is seeking a Landscape-based Programme Manager, for W-Arly-Pendjari conservation complex (WAP-COM (based in Cotonou, Benin) to manage and provide technical support to the project, based primarily in the field around the WAP complex.


The W-Arly-Pendjari conservation complex (WAP-COM), spanning the borders of Burkina Faso, Niger and Benin, is one of the most important areas for conservation in West Africa. It represents the last relatively intact savannah system in the region and is a conservation priority for both large carnivores and African elephant. The complex faces increasing threats from illegal hunting, encroachment from pastoralists and agriculture all compounded by a lack of capacity to monitor, protect and manage the landscape.




The post will be based in ZSL’s office in Cotonou with travel to project sites as well as other regional and international travel as required.


The post resides within the Africa Programme, reporting directly to the Programme Manager for Africa. The WAP Programme Manager will work with the ZSL Africa team and other ZSL Departments including Legal, Human Resources and Finance in order to oversee the start up of in-country project management functions and facilitate the formal registration of ZSL in Benin.


The Post Holder is required to ensure the smooth running and delivery of ZSL’s programme in the WAP landscape, through partner relations, project delivery and development and implementation of efficient, effective operational systems, policies and processes for ZSL’s activities, working closely with colleagues in the Africa team and the Society’s central support functions e.g. HR, Finance and conservation programme’s operations team.



1. Programme development and project delivery

  1. Work alongside colleagues in the programme team to ensure effective delivery of project activities in line with X grant contracts.
  2. Support programme development and fundraising activities through identification of funding and partnership opportunities and development of funding applications and budgets.
  3. Support production of technical and financial reports to project donors and partners as required.
  4. Implement effective operating procedures includingwork planning and budget planning to facilitate project delivery, grant management and administration.


2. Financial and logistical oversight

  1. Oversee programme budgets, and the keeping of accurate financial records including use of QuickBooks. checking and monitoring of spend, and submission of monthly reconciliations to ZSL HQ, financial reports to programme staff and preparation of donor reports
  2. Plan and organize work schedules, and travel logistics.
  3. Oversee to completion ZSLs’ registration in Benin, ensuring full compliance with requirements and submission of all registrations and associated paperwork for the operation of ZSL in the region, including insurances, taxes etc.
  4. Ensure ZSL’s assets – vehicles, equipment, and materials are managed, maintained and inventoried.

4. Health & safety

  1. Put into practice operations that comply with and promote ZSL’s Health and Safety Policies and Procedures.
  2. Ensure ZSL medical insurance is kept up-to-date and liaise with personnel and the insurers on any claims.
  3. Ensure all risk-assessments and emergency response plans are kept up-to-date and are implemented.

5. Human resource and partner relationships oversight

  1. Oversee local recruitment where necessary job descriptions, request to recruits, job adverts, and contracting.
  2. Draw up volunteer agreements and employment and consultancy contracts as required.
  3. Oversee any international visits to the programme.

6. Management of administrative and other partner relationships

  1. Oversee development and maintenance of MoUs, letter of agreement etc., including any reporting requirements.
  2. Representing ZSL as required with partners, maintaining good and effective communications.

7. Field based and technical activities and reporting

  1. Contribute to design, development and implementation of activities, including biomonitoring, social surveys, socio-economics and community engagement etc.
  2. Depending on the successful candidate the opportunity exists to Contribute to data analysis, technical reports or scientific publications.
  3. Work with programme colleagues to submit monthly reports and maintain regular communications with London HQ




  • Excellent verbal and written French essential with good English desirable.
  • Extensive operations experience in an international NGO or similar non-profit, working across multiple project portfolios.
  • Good knowledge of HR, finance and health and safety policies, procedures and best practice, with experience of applying them in international organisations.
  • Excellent presentation, reporting and communication skills, able to distil complex information, and offer strategic insight and robust challenge to colleagues from across ZSL.
  • Highly developed planning, coordination, and project management skills, able to organise a substantial workload comprised of diverse tasks and responsibilities.
  • Proven ability to develop and implement impactful strategies in partnership with colleagues from various disciplines.
  • Experience of living and working in developing countries, ideally in Africa.
  • Proven track record of writing successful proposals to trusts, foundations and institutions.
  • Experience of managing relationships with partners and donors.
  • Experience of technical and financial report writing.
  • Experience in designing, conducting and analysing social surveys would be an advantage
  • Experience in community engagement work in a developing world, ideally African, context would be an advantage ;
  • Demonstrable track-record in working with a wide range of teams – with a good understanding of diverse areas such as IT, health & safety, risk and procurement – able to apply knowledge to changing programming contexts.



  • A working knowledge of the project cycle and project management tools.
  • An understanding of current international and Africa specific biodiversity conservation issues would be highly desirable.

Style and approach

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills in English and French, able to build effective relationships as part of multicultural, international team through a supportive, culturally-aware approach.
  • Willingness to travel to project sites, as required.
  • A commitment to ZSL’s values and mission to promote and achieve worldwide conservation for animals and their habitats.


Proposers will be excluded from this RFP if:

  • they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;
  • they or persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over them have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment of a competent authority which has the force of res judicata;
  • they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the Beneficiary(ies) can justify;
    • they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the Beneficiary(ies) or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;
    • they are not in compliance with their obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed.
    • they or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over them have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity, where such illegal activity is detrimental to the EU's financial interests;
    • they are currently subject to an administrative penalty referred to in section 2.3.4 of the Practical Guide

Proposers must certify below that they are not in one or more of the situations listed above.

Do you confirm that you are not in one or more of the situations listed above?







September 2019 – April 30th 2020 depending on availability to start contract (with options for extension or employment, funding and registration dependent)




Payment to consultant will be made based on receipt of invoice on a monthly basis, reporting against each of the agreed deliverables to the Africa Programme manager.



Applicants should apply via email to hr@zsl.org and include a CV, a covering letter and a technical and financial offer (no more than 2 pages).


You must ensure that your application indicates that you have read and agree to comply by ZSL’s standard contractual terms. The contractor will be responsible for all registration, taxes and other payments and deductions as required in their country of residence.


We regret that we will only be able to contact Proposers who have been selected for interview. Closing date for applications is midnight July 30th 2019. Interviews will be held in-person or remotely during the week of August 5th 2019.


The Zoological Society of London is a charity registered in England and Wales: no. 208728.


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