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Wales Deer Liaison Officer (DLO)

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Wales (North) - UK
Salary Additional Information The salary for this post will be in the region of £30,000 per annum.
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 19/01/2018
Company Name The Deer initiative Ltd
Contact Name
Email admin@thedeerinitiative.co.uk
Website Further Details / Applications
The Deer initiative Ltd logo
Also Listing:

We are recruiting a full time Deer Liaison Officer (DLO) for Wales to join our existing team providing expertise on sustainable deer management across England and Wales.

The DLO for Wales will have responsibility for:

  • Delivering the DI Ltd commitment to the Wales Wild Deer Action Plan to improve resilience and quality of ecosystems.
  • Establishing and maintaining liaison with land owners/managers/stakeholders & staff of relevant DI member organisations.
  • Establishing links with Governmental & non-Governmental organisations within Wales to promote an awareness of the need for sustainable deer management and the role of the DI
  • Giving advice on deer related matters to any person, group or organisation requesting such advice, in particular:

    • Provision of advice & support to existing Deer Management Groups (DMGs) within the project areas. This will include the dissemination of ‘best practice’ & advice on skills development.
    • Attend DMG meetings as necessary, representing the DI.
    • Provide information & advice on legislation relating to deer.
  • Exploring opportunities for new DMGs & if appropriate take a lead role in the development & initial operation of any such Group.
  • Encouraging sustainable deer management activities amongst landowners & managers where DMGs are not appropriate.
  • Delivering deer management awareness training for staff from other organisations within the project areas where appropriate.
  • Promoting the DI to local wildlife, animal welfare & environmental groups.
  • Collecting, collating and reporting agreed data on wild deer numbers, distributions & culls within the project areas.
  • Improving disease surveillance in wild deer.
  • Attending conferences, workshops & seminars. Where required, give presentations on sustainable deer management.

The salary for this post will be in the region of £30,000 per annum.

Please email admin@thedeerinitiative.co.uk to request an application pack.

The closing date for completed applications is the 19th January 2018.

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