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WA Western Ground Parrot Project Support

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Australia (South Australia) - Australasia
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level First Level
Deadline 17/10/2022
Company Name BirdLife Australia
Contact Name Human Resources Dept.
Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : BirdLife Australia is proud to be the nation's largest bird conservation organisation. As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, our aim is clear: to create a bright future for Australia's birds. We have been a voice for Australia's birdlife for well over a century, protecting birds and their habitats through our robust programs and informed advocacy. It is the powerful passion of our members and supporters which keeps us moving forward and gives us our strength. With active branches and groups across the country,we are able to tap into local issues as well as understanding the bigger picture. Our mission is to make a real and positive difference for Australia's birds. Over the years our conservation work has achieved beneficial results for a wide range of different species. Our experience and specialised knowledge combined with our ability to unite and inspire the bird-loving community means that we can act quickly and decisively at local, state and national levels. To see environmental jobs with BirdLife Australia visit their site. For other environmental jobs in Australasia visit www.environmentjobs.com
Also Listing:
IMPORTANT:  This Advertiser has requested that applicants MUST be National Residents / Valid Work Permit-holders.  Other applicants need not apply.


We are looking for a dynamic Western Ground Parrot Project Support to join our team and work collaboratively with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) South Coast Fauna Recovery Project Team, the South Coast Threatened Birds Recovery Team and Friends of the Western Ground Parrot to improve conservation outcomes for the Western Ground Parrot (WGP). Specifically, the role will contribute to efforts to protect the last WGP population and establish a new population.

You will do this by:

  • Contributing to implementation of the translocation strategy for Western Ground Parrot
  • Assisting with deployment and maintenance of Autonomous Recording Units (ARU)
  • Assisting with analysis of acoustic files for monitoring Western Ground Parrots
  • Using telemetry techniques to monitor the survival, movements and habitat use of birds post translocation
  • Assisting with feral predator monitoring and management
  • Assisting with curation and management of databases and written reports
  • Assisting with field trip organization and logistics for remote and extended periods in the field
  • Contributing to technical meetings (including recovery team meetings) and reporting project progress to project partners and senior BirdLife staff
  • Working closely with the Emergency Interventions Program Manager to operate within project budget and deadlines

Status and Remuneration

This is a full-time position (1 FTE) offered on a short-term contract ending 30 September 2023. This position is based in Albany and will be hosted at the Albany DBCA South Coast Region office.

Enjoy an attractive salary $70,738 per annum plus 10.5% Superannuation. You will also enjoy great benefits, including additional special leave entitlements, 17.5% leave loading and access to LinkedIn learnings professional development and networking platform.

For more role details refer to the position description attached below or email enquiries to people&safety@birdlife.org.au  

To apply for this role you must:

  • Have a minimum of an Honours Degree in Conservation Biology, Environmental Science or related field with at least 2 years’ experience in the environmental sector
  • Demonstrated experience/ability working collaboratively within a multidisciplinary team
  • Demonstrated planning and project coordination skills, including experience prioritising project tasks, reviewing and managing project deliverables
  • Demonstrated analytical skills, including the ability to formulate research questions and/or project objectives, and manage and analyse datasets to answer research questions and/or inform management interventions
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including experience or skills in preparing project reports and publications
  • Fitness, capacity and willingness to conduct remote fieldwork for up to several weeks, involving extensive off-track bush-walking and bush camping
  • Hold a ‘C’ class drivers’ licence
  • Have valid Australian work rights with permission to work
  • Submit a cover letter, resume and brief statement addressing the position’s key selection criteria to people&safety@birdlife.org.au      

Closing Date: Applications for this role close on Monday 17 October 2022

Please note that BirdLife does not accept applications from recruitment agencies.

At BirdLife we value diversity and inclusion and actively encourage applications from diverse groups and communities.

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