Title: Volunteer Assistant Ranger Time commitment: Fully flexible up to 5 days per week Location: Falls of Clyde, New Lanark Closing date: Tuesday 03 May
Help the Falls of Clyde Ranger and seasonal staff in running a programme of outdoor events, conducting reserve patrols, liaising with the public, working with volunteers, carrying out biological recording, updating social media. A great opportunity if you like keeping busy with a variety of tasks, such as dealing with the public and helping behind the scenes.
What we’re looking for
- Polite & friendly manner
- happy to talk to visitors
- Interest in wildlife and communicating this to the public
What you will get in return
- tremendous opportunity to support our work
- meet local staff and learn from them
- great experience for your CV and a chance to learn about the Trust and our work including in depth knowledge about Falls of Clyde reserve and its’ species.