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Tutor with FSC Epping Forest and FSC London, predominantly based at FSC Epping Forest, Loughton, Essex

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location England (South East) - UK
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 10/01/2020
Company Name Field Studies Council
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
Field Studies Council logo
Directory Entry : The FSC want to create a world where everyone feels connected to the environment so they can enjoy the benefits it gives and make choices that help protect it. Visit their Careers page to see more jobs with the FSC.
Also Listing:

This is a fixed term position from 1st March 2020 until 31st October 2020 to cover maternity leave in the first instance

Imagine a job where you can use your environmental knowledge every day, helping to shape the minds of the new generation; a job where you work as part of a team in the great outdoors, inspiring others and developing passions for the future.  Teaching with FSC gives you a role with both challenge and opportunity, and a chance to start young people on a journey of discovery that can last a lifetime.  FSC are looking for people with a curiosity for the world around us, a passion for the natural history of the British Isles and an ability to enthuse and inspire others.

Included in this pack is the key information relating to our Tutor vacancy:

  • Job Description and Person Specification
  • Summary of the main terms and conditions for the post
  • Information about FSC, FSC Epping Forest & FSC EAST Group/Region (also visit www.field-studies-council.org)

How to apply:

For all recruitment information and relevant application forms please go to our vacancies web page at:


To apply for this position please download and complete in full the Application Form. You must ensure that your application includes examples of how you have demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience in meeting the requirements of the post detailed in both the job description and person specification.

Send your completed application form to:  recruitment@field-studies-council.org  OR

Human Resources, FSC Head Office, Preston Montford, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 1HW

Please note we do not accept CV’s without a completed application form.



The closing date for receipt of your completed application is 12 noon on Friday January 10th 2020


Interviews are scheduled to take place at FSC Epping Forest in the week commencing Monday 20th January 2020


Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by email.



If you have any queries regarding this vacancy please call Helen Robertson on 0208 5028500. We look forward to receiving your application in due course.

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