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The South-eastern Glossy Black-Cockatoo Project Officer

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Australia (Victoria) - Australasia
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 20/10/2021
Company Name BirdLife Australia
Contact Name Human Resources Dept.
Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : BirdLife Australia is proud to be the nation's largest bird conservation organisation. As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, our aim is clear: to create a bright future for Australia's birds. We have been a voice for Australia's birdlife for well over a century, protecting birds and their habitats through our robust programs and informed advocacy. It is the powerful passion of our members and supporters which keeps us moving forward and gives us our strength. With active branches and groups across the country,we are able to tap into local issues as well as understanding the bigger picture. Our mission is to make a real and positive difference for Australia's birds. Over the years our conservation work has achieved beneficial results for a wide range of different species. Our experience and specialised knowledge combined with our ability to unite and inspire the bird-loving community means that we can act quickly and decisively at local, state and national levels. To see environmental jobs with BirdLife Australia visit their site. For other environmental jobs in Australasia visit www.environmentjobs.com
Also Listing:
IMPORTANT:  This Advertiser has requested that applicants MUST be National Residents / Valid Work Permit-holders.  Other applicants need not apply.


We are looking for two Project Officers to support our Preventing Extinctions team to deliver projects focused on the recovery of the Eastern Bristlebird and the South-eastern Glossy Black-Cockatoo.

1) The Eastern Bristlebird Project Officer will work in a team to plan and implement BirdLife’s Eastern Bristlebird Project to address an important knowledge gap in our understanding of the distribution of the southern Eastern Bristlebird.

This role will identify priority management areas by working in a team to: map the extent of suitable habitat for the southern population of Eastern Bristlebird; investigate occupancy by Eastern Bristlebird after the 2019-20 bushfires; and examine the degree of connectivity between subpopulations. The successful applicant must be physically fit and able to undertake fieldwork in remote areas for extended periods.

2) The South-eastern Glossy Black-Cockatoo Project Officer will work in a team collaborating with project partners and key stakeholders to develop and deliver a targeted citizen science project to improve knowledge of the demographics and distribution of South-eastern Glossy Black-Cockatoo populations.

This role will address important knowledge gaps regarding South-eastern Glossy Black-Cockatoo foraging and breeding habitat in areas affected by the 2019-20 bushfires and work to centralise and improve data management for the species.

Status and remuneration:

Both roles are full-time positions (1 FTE) based in BirdLife Australia’s National Office Carlton, Victoria on a contract until 30 June 2022. Salary starts at $59,879 per annum plus
10% superannuation.

For further detail about these roles, refer to the position descriptions attached below or email enquiries to HR@birdlife.org.au

To apply for these roles you must have:

  • tertiary qualifications in ecology or another relevant discipline
  • two years or more demonstrated experience in the environmental sector
  • strong project management, planning and organisational skills
  • a current full Australian Driver’s License
  • valid Australian work rights with permission to work

Submit a cover letter, resume and brief statement addressing the selection criteria to Jenny Lau, Preventing Extinctions Program Leader at HR@birdlife.org.au

Closing Date: Applications for these roles close on Wednesday 20th October at 5pm

Please note BirdLife does not accept applications from recruitment agencies.

At BirdLife we value diversity and inclusion and consider all candidates equally.

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