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Statistical release: provisional figures for 2010 greenhouse gas emissions, and final figures for 2009 greenhouse gas emissions

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Statistical release: provisional figures for 2010 greenhouse gas emissions, and final figures for 2009 greenhouse gas emissions

DECC Press Release: 2011/033

National Statistics logoDECC today publishes provisional 2010 estimates of UK greenhouse gas emissions, together with final estimates of 2009 UK greenhouse gas emissions by fuel type and end-user.

Commenting on today’s publication of provisional greenhouse gas emissions statistics for 2010, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne said:

“Britain’s blighted by inefficient and draughty homes which is why we want to help people waste less energy through the Green Deal and install new cleaner technologies to heat their homes.

“As we come out of recession the Coalition’s determined to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. That’s why we are pushing on all fronts to turn around Britain’s woeful record on renewables.”

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