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Title | Socio-economic Coordinator for the Ituri Forest Conservation Project (IFCP) |
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Description |
The Ituri Forest Conservation Project (IFCP) is implemented as part of the activities' program of the Ituri Landscape, which covers approximately 40,000 km² in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It constitutes one of the largest intact tracts of lowland rainforest in the Congo Basin and encompasses the World Heritage Site, Okapi Faunal Reserve (OFR). The Landscape supports the world’s largest remaining population of Congo’s endemic rainforest okapi, the largest remaining forest elephant population in DRC, and the largest remaining population of eastern chimpanzees. It also has the highest diversity of primates of any landscape in Africa (17 species), over 300 species of birds and 500 species of butterflies. Besides, the nearly 4 million hectares of forest hold a stock of 7 billion tons of CO2 and provide a livelihood to a diverse mix of people among which the Mbuti and Efe. The main biodiversity threats are the deforestation and forest degradation due to unsustainable agriculture practices from smallholder agriculture, small-scale commercial farming, logging and widespread illegal artisanal mining. The growing population pressure, the elephant poaching and ivory trafficking, the unsustainable commercial bushmeat hunting are main threats to wildlife. In this context, since 2009 the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has been working with numerous stakeholders, including Conseil pour la Défense Environnementale par la Légalité et la Traçabilité (CODELT), Juristrale, Union des Producteurs de Cacao du Congo (UPCCO), Wildlife Conservation Global (WCG) and the local communities to ensure the conservation of this remarkable Ituri biodiversity. As part of the Sustainable Wildlife Management project funded by The European Union, WCS has established new partners with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Centre de Recherce Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the National / Provincial government. Thereby, WCS has been developing social approaches of the natural resources management such as sustainable land use plans, promotion of improved agriculture techniques and sustainable wildlife management guidelines, agroforestry, creation of farming cooperatives, environmental education and awareness campaigns on biodiversity. Purpose The Socio-Economic Coordinator is expected to oversee and contribute to the development of a strong portfolio of climate change, wildlife, community forestry, livelihoods, cocoa, outreach activities for the IFCP. S/He will lead the socioeconomic team to ensure effective interventions to reduce conservation threats through the use of incentives that strengthen community resiliency of the Okapi Faunal Reserve (OFR). Main responsibilities
The Socio-Economic coordinator will ensure that technical capacity of his team responds to the priority needs of the socio-economic program for IFCP. S/He will develop, coordinate and maintain a comprehensive monitoring system and framework for all socio-economic activities that shows a clear theory of change to livelihood and conservation benefits and leads to more targeted conservation planning.
The Socio-Economic coordinator will be in charge of designing monthly work plans, regular donor progress reports, and technical reports on major results. S/He will also contribute to fundraising proposals for socio-economic project in IFCP.
As part of WCS’s portfolio, the SWM project focuses on sustainable hunting inside the OFR hunting zones and Community Forestry Concessions, as well as developing domestic protein supply chains to reduce consumption of wild meat. The role of Site Lead requires the coordination of specific partners (CIFOR, CIRAD, FAO, and government), supervision of all activities on site, coordination of deliverables (annual workplan, bi-annual reports, and review of technical outputs) as well as participation in yearly regional meetings.
In addition to implementing livelihood activities, the Socio-Economic Coordinator will work with the WCS partners and private enterprise to enhance WCS’s approaches with local communities and make sure that these approaches are linked to conservation outcomes.
The Socio-Economic coordinator will collaborate with WCS regional team to deliver gender-based training modules, monitor gender approaches in the landscape, and ensure each year gender is incorporated into the workplan. Key Qualifications, Skills and Experience
Please send your CV and cover letter in English to wcsdrcongorecruitment@wcs.org with a copy to bthuaire@wcs.org and mention IFCP SocioEconomist Coordinator for in your subject header. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews. If you have any queries related to this position please contact bthuaire@wcs.org. |