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Social Development Internship – Facilitator for Equality for Women in Fair Trade Projects

Reference SDWomMay12  (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Sustainability, Climate, CSR, EMS
Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Water Resources
Location Ecuador - America South
Town/City Rural area
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Voluntary & Interns
Deadline 12/06/2012
Company Name CRACYP
Contact Name Sarah Clifford
Email internship.ecuador@yahoo.co.uk
Website Further Details / Applications
CRACYP  logo
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A social development internship is available in Ecuador in CRACYP’s “green progress” projects in the foothills of the Andes. 

CRACYP (which stands for Rural Reforestation and Progress Network Corporation, in Spanish) is a non profit organisation working in over 200 communities on the borders of the Cotopaxi, Bolivar and Los Rios provinces in Ecuador.  

CRACYP’s aim is "Progreso Verde" or "Green Progress" - conservation of the environment and economic and social development of local communities.  We aim to transfer appropriate technology and sustainable alternative agricultural methods, in exchange for community participation in reforestation.  This process also increases the production alternatives and resources of the communities involved, improving their quality of life.  Many of our projects involve organic cultivation and/or fair trade certification.

Promoting opportunities for women in the area is high priority for our organization.  Women in rural Ecuador often face social isolation due to various causes such as sharply divided gender roles within families, difficulties in communication and transportation because of the mountainous terrain, higher rates of illiteracy, and instances of domestic violence. 


We need interns to develop relevant programs within local communities.  These may include, but are not limited to: organizing a committee in each village where women’s issues can be addressed; creating workshops for couples to promote healthy communication, fair workload distribution, etc.; working with CADO, a local business, to develop more opportunities and official positions specifically for women; hosting additional workshops for women only on topics such as balancing family life with opportunities outside the home, entrepreneurship, public speaking, or healthy self-esteem; or developing programs against domestic violence. 


Social development interns will not only help develop the new women’s group, but also participate in monthly sustainable development workshops. 


Interns will be based mostly in the organic sugar cane farming communities in the foothills of the Andes, a beautiful area with a subtropical climate. 


More details: Download the information pack from www.progresoverde.org/internship.html or email internship.ecuador@yahoo.co.uk.  Please quote reference SDWomMay12 when you apply.

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