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Senior Palm Oil Advisor to support PNG’s Palm Oil Platform

Sectors Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location Papua New Guinea - Australasia
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Senior Level
Deadline 25/04/2018
Company Name UNDP
Contact Name Human Resources
Website Further Details / Applications
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Papua New Guinea (PNG) has one of the most significant areas of largely-intact tropical forest in the world, although these forests appear to be facing acute and imminent threats. Forests are also a vital resource for the local population particularly in the remote rural areas of PNG, providing food, fibre, building materials, and support a variety of wildlife and ecosystem services.

A mechanism for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) being developed through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) provides an opportunity to support PNG’s efforts to reduce levels of deforestation and help to maintain and protect its natural forest. PNG has been a leading proponent of REDD+ at the international level and has made considerable progress towards developing the capacity to engage in an international mechanism on REDD+. This progress has initially been supported by the UN-REDD Programme and is now being aided by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) through a project that will run until the end of 2020.

However, agricultural expansion poses a threat to areas of forested land in PNG. Agriculture is a mainstay of the PNG economy and thus represents a key area for economic growth and stability. The sector accounted for 19% of total exports and 25% of GDP in 2010, as well as forming a major part of rural economy on which 80% of the population directly depend.  increases in land clearance for agriculture are likely to increase in a country with population growth of over 2%, increasing global demand for agricultural commodities and only 4% of land area currently dedicated to agriculture when an estimated 30% is considered suitable for agriculture.

A report on sustainable commodity production in PNG, commissioned by FCPF in 2016, found that sustainable agricultural commodities production can provide strong benefits for PNG's people, economy and the environment by increasing employment, protecting the environment and associated livelihoods and health benefits, helping to secure and diversify the exports market, and securing foreign exchange.

In particular, the palm oil sector is one in which the UNDP can support the PNG with a positive trajectory towards sustainable palm oil production. Palm oil is the primary source of agricultural export revenue in the country and is likely to have the most impact on forest cover change in the short to medium term due to its currently unregulated expansion. It is therefore proposed that PNG’s National REDD+ strategy which was endorsed by the Government of PNG in May 2017, will focus its efforts on abating the impacts of this sector.

The sustainable commodities assessment which was carried out in 2016 set out two recommendations:

  • development of a national policy for sustainable palm oil;
  • establishment of a multi-stakeholder PNG Palm Oil Platform (PNGPOP).

In 2017, the FCPF project conducted a follow up assignment to take stock of the above recommendations and prepare a list of policy options through rigorous multi-stakeholder consultations and a high-level meeting. The participants of the high-level meeting agreed to the following vision for the palm oil sector: “To position PNG as the global leader for sustainable palm oil production, by producing palm oil in a way that sustains and advances economic growth, is respectful to the environment and landowner rights, yields social benefits and improves PNG’s market competitiveness for its primary agricultural export”.

Thus, as a way forward, there is a need to establish PNGPOP to strengthen smallholders’ capacity through increased productivity, improve environmental management, support government strategies to develop the agricultural sector, protect forests, enhance biodiversity conservation, mitigate and monitor greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, facilitate social responsibility through empowering local communities and enhance mediation systems, identify standards for wider acceptance, and improve market access in the country and abroad.    


Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision of the FCPF Chief Technical Advisor (CTA), the Senior Palm Oil Advisor will be responsible for providing technical support in relation to the PNG Palm Oil Platform and associated activities. The incumbent will work closely with the FCPF team, the platform team (National Palm Oil Platform Coordinator and Technical Specialist), the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), the Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL), and other key government bodies as well the Private Sector. The work will be supported by technical advice from the FCPF CTA and the UNDP Regional Hub in Bangkok and will also link with other activities related to REDD+ development in PNG of which the consultant will need to remain cognisant.

The Senior Palm Oil advisor will assist the FCPF Team in the following areas:

Strategic and Technical Oversight to the operations of the PNG Palm Oil Platform

  • Support to the platform team to ensure they can deliver the agreed PNG Palm Oil Platform road map and work plan (capacity building, review of work plan, reports and provision of recommendations, etc.);
  • Preplanning and meetings to prepare for the launch of the Papua New Guinea Palm Oil Platform (PNGPOP) & Attendance at the launch event;
  • Support to the development of Memorandum of Understanding with respective parties to host the platform;
  • Support and direct input into the development of the PNG Sustainable Palm Oil National Action Plan   based on international and competitor trends;
  • Support the development and implementation of strategies to adequately engage stakeholders into the PNGPOP and PNG National Action Plan (e.g. Technical working group meetings, producer engagement, provincial engagement, etc.);
  • Socialise and explain the PNGPOP to relevant audiences in the EU and China markets;
  • Assist in sharing lessons from Papua New Guinea globally through UNDP’s Green Commodities Programme (GCP) team and Global Community of Practice;


Support to the development of associated activities


  • Development of ToR and technical oversight on development of smallholders and national scale HCV/HCS tool consultancy to assess opportunities for sustainable expansion
  • Development of ToR and technical oversight on Cost/benefit consultancy comparing current model of uncontrolled expansion versus a model of regulation of new operations over next 20-30 years to strengthen economic business case for government/ acceptance and traction for policy and planning
  • Development of ToR and technical oversight on “Root Cause Analysis”/ “Barriers to Sustainability” Consultancy to inform the development of the National Action Plan
  • Contribution to GCF Project Formulation with regards to palm oil specific activities



For additional information and supporting documents, please follow a link: http://procurement-notices.undp.org/view_notice.cfm?notice_id=45457


  • Experience with agricultural commodities is essential.  Particular work with sustainable standards and certification advantageous.
  • Policy and economic analysis of the land use sector important. Experience with palm oil advantageous;
  • Knowledge of REDD+, in particular in areas concerning economics and financing, would be an advantage;
  • Strong inter-personal skills, in particular, demonstrated team leadership qualities and excellent oral communication skills.


Required Skills and Experience


  • Post-graduate degree (MSc or PhD) in agriculture, natural resources economics, development economics, finance, or closely related field.


Work experience

  • A minimum of 10 years progressive experience in strategic communications development and management;
  • Experience with agricultural commodities is essential.  Particular work with sustainable standards and certification advantageous.
  • Policy and economic analysis of the land use sector important. Experience with palm oil advantageous;
  • Knowledge of REDD+, in particular in areas concerning economics and financing, would be an advantage;
  • Strong inter-personal skills, in particular, demonstrated team leadership qualities and excellent oral communication skills.
  • Experience of PNG and the Pacific is an advantage.
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