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Seasonal Car Park Attendants

Sectors Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location England (East Anglia) - UK
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level First Level
Deadline 31/01/2018
Company Name Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
Norfolk Wildlife Trust logo
Directory Entry : Norfolk Wildlife Trust is the oldest Wildlife Trust in the country. The purchase of 400 acres of marsh at Cley on the north Norfolk coast in 1926 to be held ‘in perpetuity as a bird breeding sanctuary’ provided a blueprint for nature conservation which has now been replicated across the UK.
Also Listing:

Norfolk Wildlife Trust is the county’s largest environmental charity, working for the protection and enhancement of Norfolk’s wildlife and wild places. 

Seasonal Car Park Attendants

This casual work is based at NWT Cley Beach and or NWT Holme Dunes. It is to collect car park fees from visitors and to provide good service and knowledge about the reserve. The salary is £7.83 per hour.

Closing date is noon on 31st January 2018

Catering Positions at NWT Holme Dunes and NWT Cley Marshes will be available on our website shortly.

For further information visit www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk/jobs

Registered charity no. 208734

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