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Sea Turtles and Marine Conservation

Reference Stopdodo/Environment Jobs
Sectors Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Water Resources
Location Malaysia - Asia & M East
Town/City Perhentian Islands, off the east coast of Malaysia
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Voluntary & Interns
Deadline 28/07/2019
Contact Name Eloisia
Email eloisia.wild@gmail.com
Website Further Details / Applications
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Sea Turtle Conservation Opportunities for the 2019 Season!


Project Details:


      Island Watch Conservation Initiative(IWCI) focuses primarily on the island of Rawa – which is a completely uninhabited island with a nesting green turtle population located within the marine reserve around Pulau Perhentian. 


       This is one of the few islands around the Perhentians with an undeveloped beach suitable for sea turtle nesting. We are based in the state of Terengganu, which is the biggest market hub for sea turtle eggs in Malaysia, and home to a lot of the local nesting sites which are prone to poaching activities. 


       Hayati - the founder of Lang Tengah Turtle Watch– established IWCI in 2018, hoping to spread conservation efforts to Pulau Rawa. 

        Last year, during the April - October nesting season on the island, we observed 4 nesting green turtles. Aside from our primary goal of protecting the eggs, we also conducted marine and terrestrial surveys as a preliminary insight into the Pulau Rawa ecosystem. This research focused on species identification and presence & abundance surveys of corals, fish, birds, sharks, green turtles - as well as GIS mapping.


To see the work we have been doing please visit: 



      In 2019, our main aims are to safeguard the eggs and nesting sea turtles on Pulau Rawa. We will monitor the beach at Pulau Rawa every night and collect vital data during each nesting event (egg counts, nesting locations, nesting duration & frequency, carapace measurements, photo ID).


        We will also conduct marine and terrestrial surveys to understand species presence & abundance as well as begin to understand stressors/ mitigate threats to the coral reef around the island. 


Our planned work for the 2019 season includes, but is not limited to:


-       Turtle monitoring 

-       Coral and fish abundance/diversity surveys

-       Black-tip reef shark monitoring

-       Terrestrial surveys (lizards/ birds)

-       Tourist and resource management


There are still areas of the island that are un-surveyed, and we can explore those sites together as a team.  


Living Situation:


You will spend your time between 2 sites.


Base camp (Perhentian Besar-- located on the grounds of Hayati's Resthouse):2-4 days

  • Open air shelter, beds- mattresses & mosquito nets, running water (shower/toilet), outdoor kitchen
  • Access to local resort restaurants/ shops
  • Free time: Snorkel, dive, hike, explore Perhentian Besar/ Kecil, rest
  • Data entry/ photo ID
  • Once a week beach clean
  • Some outreach activities 


Pulau Rawa: 4-6 days

  • Hut, camp bed, mosquito nets, no running water, one camp stove, cooking supplies/ food
  • Night: Monitor nesting turtles on a rota system
  • Day: Marine & terrestrial surveys, snorkel, rest, outreach w/ tourists snorkeling
  • POSSIBLE chance to help release sea turtle hatchlings if the timing is right (this does not involve handling sea turtle hatchlings)


Camp Maintenance: Changes every week to share the roles

  • Cooking rota (cooking lunch/ dinner)
  • Cleaning rota (washing dishes, sorting recycling/rubbish, sweeping, etc.)
  • Food shopping rota (once a week, 1 hour boat trip to/from the mainland to resupply)


Volunteer Criteria:


  • Required skills
    Swimming, snorkeling, able to live/ work in shared spaces with basic facilities in a tropical climate (hot, humid, in contact with insects/animals), flexibility to work in an international setting, good people skills, able to work with a team and independently, not easily sea sick
  • No previous experience is necessary (but welcomed!)- training on survey collection methods is provided 


Dates/ Commitment:


  • We have limited spaces available between: 1st July - 31st September 2019
  • Minimum 2 weeks


Program Contributions:


2 weeks 

International $330 USD/ £250 GBP

Local (Malaysian)  600 MYR


4 weeks 

International $600 USD/ £450 GBP

Local (Malaysian) 1050 MYR


For longer stays

International  - add $260 USD / £200 GBP for each additional 2 weeks

Local (Malaysian)  - add 500 MYR for each additional 2 weeks.


*We ask for these contributions to cover accommodation across 2 sites, 3 meals a day, program costs and boat transfers between our project sites.


***Volunteers will need to cover their own transport to and from Perhentian Besar, Malaysia.




  • We CANNOT assist with visas –  tourist visas for entrants from most countries are given on arrival for a 90-day stay
  • After 90 days- you can take a break in another country close by and then re-enter 
  • You need your own travel insurance --- this project is not under the umbrella of Lang Tengah Turtle Watch at this stage


To join us, please provide your available dates & a letter of interest in an email to: volunteer.iwci@gmail.com




*We are a small organisation, and so we can only accommodate 2-3 volunteers so please apply early to confirm your place this season*


For more information/ photos, see below -


Perhentian camp is located in the grounds of the Resthouse:



Photos here: 


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