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Research Volunteerships / Internships / Visiting Researchers - San Rafael National Park

Reference   (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Terrestrial / Aquatic Ecology & Conservation
Location Paraguay - America South
Town/City Atlantic Forest Reserves - San Rafael National Park
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Voluntary & Interns
Deadline 01/07/2010
Company Name FAUNA Paraguay
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
FAUNA Paraguay logo
Also Listing:
ECOSARA is a not for profit biological station staffed by professionals and assisted by a constant stream of ecologically-minded volunteers with one stated aim, to help save one of the world´s most important, but little known Atlantic Forest Reserves - San Rafael National Park in southern Paraguay.

"To assist in the conservation of Parque Nacional San Rafael through the study of its biodiversity and highlight the local and international importance of the reserve by widespread dissemination of its findings"

ECOSARA offers a variety of programmes for conservation-minded volunteers, students and professional scientists. Click the links below to find out more about them.

Research Volunteerships in which volunteers assist with scientific field work, learn new techniques and get the opportunity to see their name and the results of their work in print. No scientific experience necessary.

Conservation Volunteerships for volunteers with a social conscience, including community programmes, conservation administration and the opportunity to work as a park ranger.

Internships for students considering a career in research, this is the opportunity to get some real experience of fieldwork in the Neotropics, develop your own research project and learn new skills to make you a more effective scientist.

Visiting Researcher all the support needed for professional scientists so that they can work in safety and in comfort - the only thing you need worry about are your results!
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