The Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan through its National REDD+ Office has assigned IUCN Pakistan the task to undertake awareness-raising and communication / capacity-building activities. During the preparation of the National REDD+ Strategy, a comprehensive consultation process was designed which included communities, government departments at the federal and provincial level, civil society organizations, academia, forest owners, mining and agriculture sector, market players among others.
The National REDD+ Strategy needs to be popularized among stakeholders at all levels through a communications and engagement process. This communications and engagement strategy in line with the National REDD+ Strategy draws some strategic options to make the stakeholders aware of the REDD+ Programme in Pakistan and the communities that can benefit from it in the near future.
Awareness-raising, capacity building and engagement with stakeholders are the integral parts of the REDD+ Readiness phase in order to build understanding among all the stakeholders on climate change and REDD+ and REDD+ implementation, both at the national and sub-national levels. IUCN under this project will help raise awareness and build capacities in Pakistan.