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Project Adviser - Great Bustard LIFE+

Reference   (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Terrestrial / Aquatic Ecology & Conservation
Location England (South West) - UK
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 02/02/2011
Company Name Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) logo
Directory Entry : Wildlife and Conservation Jobs with the RSPB. Our work is driven by a passionate belief that we all have a responsibility to protect birds and the environment.
Also Listing:

Reference number: 2730111

Location: Great Bustard Offices, Compton

The overall purpose of the job is to promote and secure land management agreements to support great bustards within key areas for the EU LIFE funded programme ' Reintroducing the Great Bustard to southern England'. This includes working with Natural England (NE) advisers, Ministry of Defence (MoD) land managers and farmers to help develop and deliver agri-environment options for the benefit of bustards and other priority species on Salisbury Plain, to assist with implementation of special management areas and a further release site for great bustards, as part of the Great Bustard LIFE+ Project. The project aims to release a minimum of 20 great bustards into the UK each year, carry out a rigorous programme of monitoring which will inform future conservation action for the species, and provide land management advice to increase the area and quality of bustard habitat available within the release area.To deliver this we are looking for an enthusiastic advocate for conservation, with a keen interest and knowledge of agri-environment schemes and farming, who will confidently engage with the farming community to deliver the objectives of this high profile project. We are looking for previous experience of agri-environment schemes and demonstrable experience of working in nature conservation in the UK. An ability to use RSPB vehicles to meet the demands of the job is essential. A degree level in biology or related subject, and experience of off-road driving would be desirable.

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