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Phase 1 & Bat Ecologist

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location England (West Midlands) - UK
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Company Name Betts Ecology
Contact Name
Email bettsteam@bettsecology.com
Betts Ecology logo
Also Listing:

Betts are currently looking for a suitably experienced and licensed ecologist to join our
friendly team just outside Worcester.

This role will include surveys across a variety of clients and site sizes, with support from an in-
house team.

The role is full-time, Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm, with some variation during bat survey
season, as would be expected in the ecology industry. Where hours outside 9-5 are necessary,
we try to maintain the usual number of working hours for our staff, by being flexible with
working times.

Essential skills for this role include:

  • Botany skills of a level to conduct Preliminary Ecological Assessments (PEAs),
  • Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRAs) and Dusk Emergence / Dawn Return Bat Surveys
    to a level submissible for planning applications;
  • Good spoken and written English;
  • Experience of scientific report writing;
  • Familiarity with relevant aspects of the British planning system and current regulations
    (including EU as applied to UK), guidance and best practice as they relate to wildlife
    and biodiversity, including BS 42020, UKBAP species &amp; habitats, the CIEEM ecological
    survey guidance and protected species licensing (where relevant);
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office suite and associated programs.

The post is permanent and full time, with an initial 6-month probationary period. You will be
based at our Martley office, but UK travel will be required, and flexibility to work from home
may be accommodated in necessary circumstances.

Main duties will include:

  • Undertaking PEAs, PRAs, and nocturnal bat surveys;
  • Producing reports and other associated document writing for the above surveys using
    our in-house templates (initial training and support will be provided in this area, if
  • Meeting clients and their agents on sites in order to conduct surveys or provide advice;
    Regular reporting of activities, workload, timesheets, etc.
  • General office duties related to the role.
  • Particularly important attributes include:
  • Relevant experience and survey licences;
  • Membership of CIEEM or equivalent, or evidence that you are working towards this;
    Suitable professional experience;
  • (At least) Level 1 bat survey licence;
  • A clean driving licence. “Pool” vehicles are available to staff for survey work, but your
    own vehicle and insurance is desirable for travel to and from the office.

We are seeking applicants committed to a long term career with us. Starting salary will be in
the range of £25,000-£30,000 dependent on experience.

In the first instance, please email your full CV to bettsteam@bettsecology.com with a letter
setting out why you think you would be suited to the post (one side of A4).

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