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Part-Time Project Officer (Growing Confidence Project) at FSC Preston Montford, Shrewsbury

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location England (West Midlands) - UK
Salary Additional Information This is a fixed term post due to end on 31st July 2021
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Part Time / Per Day
Level Mid Level
Deadline 27/03/2018
Company Name Field Studies Council
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
Field Studies Council logo
Directory Entry : The FSC want to create a world where everyone feels connected to the environment so they can enjoy the benefits it gives and make choices that help protect it. Visit their Careers page to see more jobs with the FSC.
Also Listing:

Thank you for your interest in this role with the Field Studies Council. FSC is one of four partners who together are delivering Growing Confidence (GC) in Shropshire. The project aims to grow the confidence of young people aged 11-25 yrs to engage with their local environment, progressing their knowledge and skills to a level that meets their abilities and expectations. This is being achieved through developing their skills and knowledge and presenting opportunities which open up new ideas and aspirations. By taking part in the project over 1000 young people will gain confidence to create change in their local environment.

The project partners are Shropshire Wildlife Trust (SWT), Fordhall Community Land Initiative (FCLI), Field Studies Council (FSC) and The Plunkett Foundation (PF). Each organisation has a unique role to play and the project has a clear Shropshire focus. These partners want the ethos of social enterprise to permeate the whole programme and try to ensure every young person has the opportunity to learn about social enterprise and how it might be a career option. Building wider awareness of environmental careers is also integral to the project. This project recognises the strengths of each of the partner organisations and in addition to supporting and developing young people the project aims to strengthen each organisations offer to young people for the future. This means building strong and sustainable systems to keep young people’s needs at the heart of each organisation.

Included in this pack is the key information relating to our Project Officer (Growing Confidence Project) vacancy:

  • Job Description and Person Specification
  • Summary of the main terms and conditions for the post
  • Information about FSC and FSC Preston Montford

How to apply:

To apply for this position please complete in full and submit the online application form via this link - https://fsc.recruitment.northgatearinso.com/f6rl/pages/main.jsf You must ensure that your application includes examples of how you have demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience in meeting the requirements of the post detailed in both the job description and person specification.

For all recruitment information please go to our vacancies web page at:


Please note we do not accept CV’s without a completed application.



The closing date for receipt of your completed application is 12 noon on Tuesday 27th March 2018


Interviews are scheduled to take place at Preston Montford Field Centre in the week commencing 9th April 2018



If you have any queries regarding this vacancy please call Adrian Pickles on 01743 852040.  We look forward to receiving your application in due course.

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