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Online Course - 251 Corporate Climate Change Risk Disclosure: Investor CDP

Reference   (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Sustainability, Climate, CSR, EMS
Location District of Columbia - America North
Deadline 06/06/2012
Company Name Greenhouse Gas Management Institute
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251 Corporate Climate Change Risk Disclosure: Investor CDP


This course provides specific guidance to corporations on how to disclose the risks they and their investors face due to climate change.  The course uses the leading international reporting program, the Carbon Disclosure Project’s questionnaire, as a framework.


The course is designed to accompany “Basics of Organizational GHG Accounting,” based on the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol for Corporate Accounting.  Together, these two courses address both a company’s “carbon footprint” and its climate change risks.


The objective of the course is to provide the learner with contextual information to help address issues with properly disclosing climate change related risks and complete the Investor CDP questionnaire, satisfy the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosure requirements, and other disclosure programs.  Informative guidance and explanation of the tools and frameworks available to complete the CDP questionnaire and report to other programs is provided, including exercises, examples and case studies.


Key concepts covered include:


  • GHG reporting principles
  • International and regional regulation of GHG emissions
  • Management of the risks associated with GHG emissions
  • Importance of recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities presented by global climate change regulations and GHG management
  • Metrics for measuring and reporting GHG management progress
  • Determining the GHG inventory and baseline
  • Managing data quality in GHG reporting
  • Key data in preparing a GHG management report for investors
  • Establishing key performance indicators for GHG management




  1. Risks
  2. Opportunities
  3. GHG Emissions Accounting, Emissions Intensity, Energy and Trading
  4. Performance
  5. Governance


Who should attend:
The course is designed for companies completing or interested in disclosing their climate change related risks by completing the CDP questionnaire or other reporting framework.  The course is also relevant for anyone with an interest in GHG management from a corporate and investment perspective.


This course was jointly developed by the GHG Management Institute and the Carbon Disclosure Project.


Approximate number of working hours to complete: 16 (An additional 16 to 20 hours are necessary to complete the Basics of Organizational GHG Accounting.)


Course Developer(s): ClimateCHECK – Tom Baumann and Jason Smith
Michael Gillenwater and Tim Stumhofer
Course Under Review

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