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Nutritionist Internships, Ecuador

Reference SDNutApr13  (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Sustainability, Climate, CSR, EMS
Location Ecuador - America South
Town/City Rural area
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Voluntary & Interns
Deadline 20/04/2013
Company Name CRACYP
Contact Name
Email cracyp@progresoverde.org
Website Further Details / Applications
CRACYP  logo
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Nutritionist internships are available in Ecuadorworking with CRACYP in the subtropical foothills of the Andes. CRACYP (which stands for Rural Reforestation and Progress Network Corporation, in Spanish) is a non profit organisation working in over 200 communities on the borders of the Cotopaxi, Bolivar and Los Rios provinces in Ecuador.


CRACYP's aim is "Progreso Verde" or "Green Progress" - conservation of the environment and economic and social development of local communities. We aim to transfer appropriate technology, knowledge and sustainable alternative agricultural methods, in exchange for community participation in reforestation. This process also increases the production alternatives and resources of the communities involved, improving their quality of life. Many of our projects involve organic cultivation and/or fair trade certification.


Many people in this area suffer from malnutrition, mostly due to a lack of knowledge and awareness about nutrition and health.  We need nutritionist interns to design and implement relevant programs in CRACYP communities. This may include, but is not limited to, the development and piloting of training programs through community workshops, farm visits, school lessons, or afterschool programs. All programs should be interactive and participatory and should be designed so that even non-readers can gain from participation, given the high illiteracy rates particularly among women. Themes may include how to eat the correct ratio of macronutrients, eating colorful food for vitamins and minerals, preparing fruits and vegetables, cooking techniques other than deep frying, etc. 


In particular, lessons and workshops should focus on training and educating mothers, since they generally control the nutrition of their families. Mothers of young children and pregnant women are particularly important to target, since studies show that good nutrition is most vital for children from the neo-natal stage – 5 years of age.


If your time permits, you may also work with some of the poorest community members to identify which nutrients are most lacking in their diets. Then you can work to plant kitchen gardens and fruit trees so that they can grow some of their own produce that best reflects their nutritional needs. This is vital for the assurance of both food security and proper nutrition for local families.


This is a great opportunity for those studying nutrition or related fields who are interested in rural development to gain practical field experience.


Internships are available for 4 to 12 weeks, any time between now and November.

More details: Download the information pack from www.progresoverde.org/internship.html or email internship.ecuador@yahoo.co.uk. Please quote reference SDNutApr13 when you apply.

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