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Nature-based Solutions Senior Project Officer

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Serbia - Europe
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Senior Level
Deadline 31/01/2021
Company Name IUCN
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : Conservation Jobs with IUCN. IUCN is the world's oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organizations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries. For environmental jobs with the IUCN please visit their careers portal. Or check out environment jobs at www.environmentjobs.com
Also Listing:


• Overall responsibility for programme coordination, project management and reporting;
• Support the development and implementation of the IUCN Nature-based Solutions Programme Area in Eastern Europe, North and Central Asia;
• Oversee the management and implementation of IUCN ECARO’s Nature-based Solutions activities in the region;
• Liaise with the IUCN Secretariat, Members, Commissions and partners in identifying priorities and project development opportunities related to Nature-based Solutions;
• Actively pursue partnerships and promote synergies with thematically-aligned initiatives and projects in the region;
• Lead the development of high quality projects in coordination with IUCN programmes and partners and support project fundraising;
• Contribute to the institutional leadership of IUCN in further developing and improving the NbS concept as well as its application, leveraging lessons learnt from the ECARO region.


• Manage the project “ADAPT: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Resilient Societies in the Western Balkans” and ensure that it effectively delivers against the work plan and results framework;
• Coordinate the project team, field experts, external partners and consultants in a coherent and result-oriented manner;
• Ensure high quality project oversight and management, including preparation of project work plans, technical and financial reports, and partnership agreements;
• Oversee and manage staff within the NbS programme and lead the preparation of job descriptions, annual work plans, and performance appraisals;
• Assist in the development of an active portfolio of projects under the Nature-based Solutions Programme Area in the region;
• Identify opportunities for partnerships in the region and manage partner relationships;
• With support of the communications team, ensure the appropriate communication and visibility of the projects and its results within the beyond the region;
• Keep the IUCN ECARO Director up-to-date on opportunities for project and programme scale up;
• Present the NbS concept and IUCN’s work on NbS in the region in a technically competent and informed manner in various international fora;
• Carry out other relevant tasks on request and agreement with the line manager.

The above list contains the main duties and responsibilities for this position. IUCN ECARO staff members are expected to show flexibility and be willing to undertake other tasks that are reasonably allocated to them but which are not part of their regular job description.


The gross annual salary for this position is 34.680 EUR subject to deductions for social security contributions and health insurance, and before tax.

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