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Nature-based Solutions Project Assistant

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Serbia - Europe
Town/City This post is located in Belgrade, Serbia
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 30/06/2021
Company Name IUCN
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
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Directory Entry : Conservation Jobs with IUCN. IUCN is the world's oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organizations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries. For environmental jobs with the IUCN please visit their careers portal. Or check out environment jobs at www.environmentjobs.com
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• Assist in the effective management and coordination of IUCN ECARO Nature-based Solutions project portfolio in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region;
• Undertake logistical and administrative tasks;
• Liaise with project partners and experts with a view to ensuring high-quality project deliverables and outcomes;
• Support project development.


• Assist in the coordination and management of the project “ADAPT: Nature-based Solutions for Resilient Societies in the Western Balkans” and ensure that it effectively delivers against the work plan and results framework;
• Support the preparation of work plans, technical and financial reports, provision of goods and services, partnership agreements and service contracts;
• Undertake logistical and administrative tasks related to project implementation, including the organisation of meetings and events, preparation and dissemination of meeting minutes, material and results, and make travel arrangements;
• Liaise with external consultants and field experts in ensuring their timely planning and delivery of project results;
• Support the project communications team in preparing and disseminating communications and visibility material;
• Support the dissemination of IUCN NbS knowledge tools in the region;
• Represent IUCN ECARO at project-related events;
• Carry out other relevant tasks on request and agreement with the line manager.


The gross annual salary for this position is 22.026 EUR subject to deductions for social security contributions and health insurance, and before tax.

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