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National Consultant: Carbon Analysis and Modelling in Cameroon

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Cameroon - Africa
Town/City Cameroon
Salary Additional Information Six weeks. Up to USD 6000 could be paid for the assignment
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Full Time
Level Senior Level
Deadline 05/10/2020
Company Name International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
Contact Name INBAR Human Resource Officer
Website Further Details / Applications
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) logo
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Location:Yaoundé, Cameroon

The Cameroon TRI Project is one of the twelve Projects of The Restoration Initiative (TRI) implemented by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to contribute towards global efforts in support of the Bonn Challenge, the New York Declaration on Forests, the AFR100 Initiative, and the restoration priorities of the Republic of Cameroon. The objective of the Cameroon TRI project is to support the implementation and scaling up of Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Cameroon, notably by a) improving Cameroon Government policy commitment to FLR and Sustainable Land Management (SLM); b) piloting and assessing the effectiveness of restoration using Bambusa spp and other indigenous NTFP like Irvingia spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, etc, and ensuring the development of their value chains to support biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods and GHG emissions reduction; c) enhancing institutional capacities and financing arrangements for large-scale FLR in Project sites in Cameroon; and d) improving knowledge of best practices in landscape restoration and Monitoring and Evaluation among Project stakeholders. The Cameroon TRI project is executed in four sites: Site 1: the Degraded Sudano-Sahel savannah of the Waza landscape in the Extreme North Region of Cameroon; Site 2: the Montagne forests of the Bakossi - Bayang-Mbo landscape in the South West Region of Cameroon; Site 3: the degraded Forest Margins of the Mbalmayo cluster in the Center Region of Cameroon; Site 4: the degraded Mangroves of the Douala-Edea landscapes in the Littoral Region of Cameroon.

  • Participate in the development of the Theory of Change (TOC) for three Sub-National ROAM assessments in three landscapes where the TRI project is being implemented (Mbalmayo, Douala Edea and Waza landscapes);
  • Estimate the amount of carbon sequestered and sequestration potentials for different types of FLR interventions in the three landscapes;
  • Collaborate with the economist and the lead ROAM consultant to estimate carbon revenues for different types of FLR interventions and produce a CO2 abatement cost curve for each of the landscapes;
  • Participate and support INBAR, IUCN and MINEPDED, during a national workshop to validate the ROAM assessment reports.
Specific tasks
  • Conduct literature review and draw estimation of carbon storage in each type of current land use (grassland, abandoned agricultural land, shrub/bush, degraded forest, etc.)
  • Work with other consultants to propose different types of FLR interventions
  • Estimate potential carbon storage in each type of FLR intervention
  • Conduct analysis of carbon changes from current land use to new type of FLR intervention, this includes the analysis of potential carbon emissions due to FLR intervention such as the use of machinery, transportation of materials, if any
  • Conduct assessment of potential carbon leakages and recommend for mitigation measures
  • Estimate potential carbon reductions for each type of FLR intervention
  • Support economist to estimate cost of carbon reduction under each type of FLR intervention
  • A well elaborated report containing detail results on carbon stocks and sequestration potentials for each of the landscapes
  • At least Master’s or equivalent degree in a relevant discipline (Botany, Forestry, Agroforestry, land use, natural resource, environmental management, or other relevant academic field);
  • Proven track record and/or expertise in carbon stock evaluation and modelling;
  • At least 5 years of professional work experience in carbon evaluation, forest management, forest landscape restoration and climate change;
  • Knowledge of the environmental or social impact assessment and standards;
  • A strong delivery-oriented work ethic with proven ability to provide deliverables on time and on limited budget;
  • Good command of English and/or French language.
Application Process

Applications will be accepted until 5 October 2020. All applications will be acknowledged, but only one candidate will be contacted. Please send a technical proposal detailing the understanding of the mission, methodology, activities to perform, timeframe, as well as a detailed financial proposition and CV to hr@inbar.int and CC: fjmuafor@inbar.int Please use “INBAR Consultation title — YOUR NAME” as the subject of the e-mail. To learn more about INBAR, please visit our website at www.inbar.int


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