The Sustainable Biomass Production and Modern Bio-Energy Technologies project was designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the use of fossil fuel for thermal energy generation in the industrial sector of Sri Lanka. The objective is “the removal of barriers to the realization of sustainable biomass plantation, increase of market share of biomass energy generation mix and adoption of biomass-based energy technologies in Sri Lanka.”
The project’s objective is to be achieved through delivery of the following components:
Component 1. Policy-institutional support for effective fuel-switching using fuel wood.
Outcome 1: Approved and implemented policy instruments that promote and support the use of sustainably produced fuel wood in industrial thermal applications
Component 2: Barrier removal for sustainable fuel wood production
Outcome 2: Enhanced knowledge of and improved support network for sustainable fuel wood production; Increased sustainable fuel wood production
Component 3: Enabling environment for fuel wood suppliers.
This component is primarily aimed at building the enabling environment for commercial investment for fuel wood suppliers and biomass energy technology companies, in order to build a larger local market for sustainably grown fuel wood. The need for sustainable and viable fuelwood suppliers (exchanges) has initiated a plan by the Ministry to establish fuelwood depots with the participation of non-governmental or private sector entities, supported by technology providers and banks. The expected outcome from this component is increased number of investment projects from commercial banks, and increased the confidence in the industrial sector on the longer-term sustainability of supply
Outcome 3: Improved confidence among industrial and banking sector on the feasibility, stability and economic benefits of sustainable fuel wood supply chains.
Component 4: Wood-based energy technology development
Outcome 4: Enhanced knowledge of, access to, and maintenance skills of biomass energy technologies as well as increased number of wood-based gasification projects.
The Terminal Evaluation will be conducted according to the guidance, rules and procedures established by UNDP and GEF as reflected in the UNDP Evaluation Guidance for GEF Financed Projects.
The objectives of the evaluation are to assess the achievement of project results, and to draw lessons that can both improve the sustainability of benefits from this project, and aid in the overall enhancement of UNDP programming.