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More video evidence of movie elephant suffering released by ADI as elephant experts condemn abuse

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Location California - America North
Company Name Animal Defenders International
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Wildlife vet describes training at elephant suppliers for Water for elephants: “Nothing rivals the cruelty I have witnessed over the last few days.”

Today Animal Defenders International release more shocking footage from Have Trunk Will Travel, where the elephant Tai used in the movies Water for Elephants, Zookeeper and Britney Spears’ circus video, was trained.

The first footage ADI released earlier this week, related specifically to what was shown in Water for Elephants. It showed how Tai was taught to perform tricks with electric shocks and bull hooks and not with love and marshmallows.

In response to the latest claims by Have Trunk Will Travel, ADI has released more footage, which shows more of a view of the day to day control of the elephants; this is equally violent:

    • Have Trunk Will Travel boss Kari Johnson viciously striking an elephant
    • A baby elephant being hit over the head and dragged by the trunk
    • Elephants being hit and jabbed with bull hooks
    • Elephants chained by the legs barely able to move (the elephants were being chained from 6.30pm to 6.30am, 12 hours a day)
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