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Monarch and Pollinator Restoration Ecologist

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location California - America North
Town/City Sacramento, California
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Company Name The Xerces Society
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
The Xerces Society logo
Directory Entry : The Xerces Society is a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat.
Also Listing:

The Xerces Society is a leader in conservation of native pollinators, including

the western population of monarch butterflies. This position has been designed

in response to the dramatic declines observed in many native bees and butterflies

– since the 1980s, western monarch populations have declined by more than

95%. This position will work on the frontline of species recovery.


The successful applicant will provide technical assistance and deliver short

courses to public land managers and private landowners to facilitate incorporating

the needs of monarch butterflies and other native pollinators into existing

restoration projects. The person who fills this position will manage all

components of two large projects in California’s Central Valley that focus

on restoring and enhancing habitat for monarch butterflies and other native

pollinators. The Monarch and Pollinator Restoration Ecologist will work

in collaboration with conservation biologists and pollinator habitat and

conservation specialists in Xerces Society’s Endangered Species, Pollinator

Conservation, and Pesticide programs and will work closely with partners

from the US Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and California

Department of Fish and Wildlife, as well as farmers and other private landowners.

 This position will be based in the Xerces Society’s Sacramento, California



For details and to apply please review the complete job listing: Monarch

and Pollinator Restoration Ecologist



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