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Market Research Intern

Reference   (Please mention Stopdodo/Environment Jobs in your application)
Sectors Sustainability, Climate, CSR, EMS
Location China (East) - Asia & M East
Town/City Wuhu
Salary Additional Information Unpaid, but accommodation and return flight offered
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Voluntary & Interns
Deadline 31/05/2011
Company Name ENF Ltd
Contact Name Jacopo Garbarino
Telephone +86 553 4226021
Email jacopo@enfsolar.com
Website Further Details / Applications
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ENF Recruitment – Market Research Intern

Application Deadline: April 30th

 We are looking for someone with a multi-language background to work in our Jobsite department in China. The internship will run for 6 months. The job is in a city called Wuhu in China’s Anhui Province (http://english.wh.cn/)

 About the Company

We are a fast growing renewable energy information company with offices in UK and China. Our company has the world’s most popular website for information about companies in the solar industry. We have a team of people accelerating the Photovoltaic Industry in many ways; Market Research reports, profiling the companies in the industry, broker services via our Trade department assisting Western companies to purchase from Chinese manufacturers. In addition, we will be launching a Jobsite that will focus on posting jobs in the Photovoltaic Industry from companies all over the world!  Visit us at www.enfsolar.com to learn more.


ENF will provide living accommodations within a shared apartment with other ENF employees. The internship is an un-paid assignment with an opportunity to gain extensive knowledge in the industry. Your flight to China and your visa application fees will be your responsibility, while ENF will provide you with the return ticket.

 Key Skill Requirements

  • Good Telephone skills – job involves a lot of data collection by phone
  • Fluency in English – Please do not apply if your English is not good enough to fluently discuss business over the phone.
  • Fluency in one of the following languages – French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean.

 Job Details

The job will be to work on ENF's MR Department. The position’s goal will be to grow the Recommendation System by interviewing entrepreneurs and managers about their deals, get their experience and rate other PV companies; other tasks will include participation in the preparation of our Reports. This job requires extensive phone calling to reach our Solar Panel Installer Community. At the end of the internship period, successful candidates will be offer a permanent position as MR Business analyst.

Information about Wuhu:

It is important for us that our new team members are stable and happy, so we would like to point out a few potential negatives to potential candidates:

  • There is little night life and bars in the city: people who love to hit the town will be disappointed with the social options.
  • We are based in real China: unlike Beijing and Shanghai, there are very few foreigners in Wuhu so if you just want to hang around with Europeans only there won't be much choice. 

On the positive side the city is well developed and clean: there are global supermarket chains in the city and large department stores which make shopping easy.

 To apply for this job, please email jacopo@enfsolar.com

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