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Land Management Policy Advisor

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location Scotland (East) - UK, Scotland (Central) - UK, England (East Anglia) - UK, England (South East) - UK
Salary Additional Information £32,025
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 16/03/2025
Company Name JNCC
Contact Name
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This post will have a base in Peterborough or Aberdeen. JNCC has adopted a hybrid working approach, allowing colleagues to benefit from time in the office, with the flexibility also to work from home. Employees are expected to work from one of our office bases for a few days a month as a minimum with attendance expected at regular face to face team meetings. Arrangements will vary by team and the exact balance will depend on the nature of your role. We can provide more details at the interview and offer stages.

About the job

Job summary

Post background

The Nature Conservation Policy and Advice (NCPA) Team in JNCC plays a key role in nature conservation in the UK, working with partners in the country nature conservation bodies (CNCBs), the UK and devolved governments and the wider nature conservation community. We maintain an overview of UK nature conservation policy and legislation; facilitate, convene and, where required, co-ordinate joint UK working on key topics; and work with UK countries on areas of priority where JNCC contributes complementary capabilities of evidence and advice. Within JNCC, the NCPA Team works collaboratively across the organisation delivering shared solutions, for example on protected areas, and in developing evidence-based approaches to addressing environmental threats and opportunities.

We are looking for someone with knowledge of nature conservation, environmental issues and particularly how land management is critical to achieving nature recovery across the UK. You will have the ability to rapidly understand, analyse and synthesise information from a range of sources, and help to integrate current evidence and advice into regular engagement with stakeholders. These stakeholders are the governments of the four countries of the UK, the CNCBs and other government agencies, and wider stakeholders on the development of new initiatives for nature recovery and the provision of public goods.

You will need to understand the developing policy surrounding agriculture, land management and the wider environment including biodiversity. You will be involved in projects across the team and will lead specific areas, depending on your experience, skills, and interests. Your work will ensure JNCC’s evidence and advice is effectively deployed to deliver the best outcomes for nature recovery.

Job description

Post Duties

Provide policy and technical advice, and expertise on issues relating to land use and biodiversity in the UK.

Contribute to and support the team’s work in facilitating joint-UK working on biodiversity, protected areas, land use, and natural capital, sharing your knowledge on land management with the wider team where necessary.

Build effective relationships with key partners and stakeholders from across the UK to deliver best outcomes for nature recovery.

Gather and interpret developments in relevant policy areas within UK and devolved governments, country nature conservation bodies and other stakeholders particularly those involved in land management across the UK.

Communicate effectively, for instance through presentations, reports, and scientific papers, managing web content, newsletters, and other media.

Identify new and emerging evidence and advice needs and work with team members and other partners to develop these ideas towards funding and implementation.

To contribute to the running of JNCC’s business through taking responsibility for any of:

o    project management support and outcome dissemination, and where necessary act as project manager,

o    convening and running joint UK groups and other project groups,

o    manage contracts, including the drafting of specifications and undertaking of procurement, in line with skills and experience.

Person specification

Please use the STARR technique where applicable

  • Situation: Set the stage.
  • Task: Explain where you fit in.
  • Action: Describe each step.
  • Results: Impress with your achievements.
  • Reflection: what have you learned


We'll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Communicating and Influencing
  • Making Effective Decisions
  • Delivering at Pace
  • Working Together

Technical skills

We'll assess you against these technical skills during the selection process:

  • Good understanding of the relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem services, sustainable development and benefits to society
  • Knowledge of the policy and legislative framework for environment and nature conservation in the UK with a focus on farmland conservation and/or agri-environment schemes
  • Excellent evidence synthesis and writing skills, including experience of analysing complex information, graphic presentation and communicating complex concepts to technical and non-technical audiences
  • Experience of working in interdisciplinary teams, including building and maintaining effective collaborative relationships
  • Desirable experience but not required:


Alongside your salary of £32,025, Joint Nature Conservation Committee contributes £9,277 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.

Equality and diversity

JNCC is committed to creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected and see this as a good place to work. JNCC has a responsibility to ensure that we have an inclusive culture where discrimination, harassment, bullying and prejudice will not be tolerated. Our selection process is determined on fair and open competition and regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership.

Full details and applications of ths post here.

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